Holocron:Featured Articles/2023/March

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The First Galactic Civil War, or Clone Wars, was the conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Separatists forces who wished to secede from the Republic. After a costly war, the Separatists were eventually defeated as the Republic transitioned into the Galactic Empire. Tensions had been growing in the galaxy for decades. The Core Worlds had been enjoying peace and prosperity while countless systems in the Outer Rim were plagued by widespread corruption, instability, poverty. Criminal activity and petty conflicts disrupted vital trade routes and laws enforced closer to the galactic core were not enforced in the outlying sectors, leading to a what many saw as a double standard within the Republic. Furthermore, The Republic bureaucracy was growing bloated and ineffective, and was either unwilling or unable to settle these disputes. Sith agents, seeing an opportunity to seize power, approached the leadership of the Trade Federation in Year -35 and used subtle force persuasion to convince the viceroy that an attack on the planet Averam would get the attention of the senate back on Coruscant and force them to take Outer Rim matters more seriously. Federation battleships soon encircled Averam and enforced a blockade while legions of fearsome battle droids took control of the major urban centers and planetary shield and communication systems. (Full article...)

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