Holocron:Featured Articles/2023/November

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Alexander Tylger (Alexander Rai`ix Chume Tylger Pal`durath Hapesah) (born Year -36, D286) is the King of the Hapes Consortium. Originally from the planet Arxian in the Zadaria system, he ascended the Hapan throne after King James made him heir apparent in Year 10. With the abdication of James in Year 11, the Consortium observed the "Month of the Vacant Throne" before the coronation on D108 where Tylger also adopted the Pal`durath surname. He is the third male to reign as monarch in the formerly matriarchal state. Before his final rise to power, Tylger shifted between military and political life as the need arose, eventually settling in the government once and for all in Year 4. His career, both before and after this, was a turbulent one, often straining his relationship with fellow Hapan officials. Within the Hapan political circles, Tylger became a controversial figure, forming a conservative bloc along with several nobles of similar heritage. Over the years they successfully blocked the influence of foreign ideals and revolutionary ideas, keeping the Consortium on a more traditional path and earning him the nickname "Dragon of Lorell Hall." (Full article...)

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