Holocron:Featured Articles/2024/April

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Operation Deep Helm: Just north of Avance Coalition governed space lies the expansive Bamula sector, a diverse collection of systems united under the flag of the Mindabaal League, a corporatocracy comprised of five organizations at the time of the conflicts beginning: Drax Industries, Nakesh Alliance Extractions, The Agency, and Uukaablis Trans-Systems. At the time of the conflict, their territory spanned six known systems and was comprised of seventeen planets, with the Chairman being Phontino Friovor, and the Vice-Chairman being Ghent Kreldar. Jandur is a single-planet system, orbited by one moon between three suns. This unique astronomy caused the planet to develop a hot, toxic atmosphere, unfit for most life, unassisted. Much of the planet’s surface is dominated by large volcanic fields and seas of lava which both pump toxic gases into the atmosphere and further added to the inhospitality of Jandur. The rest of the planet is littered with craters, rocky surfaces, and caves. Sandy deserts also claim some strips of land, but there are no signs of life or safe, consumable water. (Full article...)

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