Hope For The Faithful

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Posted by Hal Breden on Year 5 Day 130

Onboard the Marauder-class Corvette Tal'ruuk Will Of Ara at galactic position (-280, -150).

Blackness fills the viewscreen, and for a second it almost seems that there has been some malfunction. Then a voice speaks.

"Every sentient in the galaxy will one day die." There is a slight pause. "That is not a threat, or declaration of intent, it is a simple fact. The one constant is that everything that lives must die."

The screen begins to lighten, becoming grey rather than black.

"And then what happens?" It is not the question that most people would expect.

The screen begins to form billowing shapes, as if filled with smoke.

"You will find yourself wandering in the Mists. For the unworthy, the wandering will last an eternity, and the Mists will never end."

The screen continues to lighten, and is more clearly filled with smoke, or gas.

"Others, though, will find the Path, and will make their way out of the Mists into the Light, where Ara will welcome them into His presence, and they will spend eternity in the glory of His paradise."

The screen brightens to white then clears to reveal a Gand, in the full priestly robes of the ruetsavii, sitting on an ornately carved wooden throne. He speaks, and the voice is the same as had been narrating the previous images.

"There are many who have died, recently, without thought for the fate of their souls. Even now they wander in the Mists, never to find their way out into the Light. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done for them; no hope of their ever finding redemption. But there is hope for all of you!"

The Gand leans forward, concern showing in his expression.

"Ara looks kindly upon the faithful, upon those who enter into His service. For some, this means that they will join Alissma and their efforts will go towards the glory of Ara. For others, it is Ara