Horley Cyan

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Horley Cyan
Biographical Information
Race Devaronian
Homeworld Devaron
Mother Unknown
Father Unknown
Spouse Unknown
Siblings Unknown
Children Unknown
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.9 meters
Coloring Red skin
Eye Color Black
Political Information
Affiliation Trade Federation, Confederacy of Independent Systems
Positions Former Viceroy

Horley Cyan is a Devaronian male from Devaron and was the third Viceroy of the Trade Federation. Horley is a reputable trader and trusted middleman, as stated by many trading organizations such as TPA, Enigma and just word of mouth.


Throughout the years, Horley Cyan has gone from a rogue just looking for enough credits for his next meal to leader of major corporations with vast holdings throughout the galaxy. The Corporate Alliance was one those organizations that Horley built back up from nothing. The Corporate Alliance in time became a major trading organization within the galaxy, so much so that the Trade Federation government felt it was time to recruit Horley Cyan and his skills to better not just themselves but their newly formed affiliation called the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS).

It took Nereus Eruresto many weeks to convince Horley to bring his talents to the Glythe sector, and ultimately Horley accepted the offer of Trade Minister for the Trade Federation and the whole of the CIS. With time and experience, he later became Viceroy.

Then one day Viceroy Horley Cyan came across the data concerning Haor Chall and all that it was in its glory days, this information intrigued Horley and became a great idea to press upon for a future project.

With the return of Viceroy Corbin Esco, this was the perfect time for Horley to step down from leading the Trade Federation and get back into a more simpler and undoubtedly more exciting way of life. He decided that it was time to return another long forgotten great name and manufacturing tradition back to what it once was.

Such a task would have been near impossible if it wasn't for the most recent and interesting discoveries during Horley Cyan's term as Viceroy of the Trade Federation. So, he left the Federation and joined Haol. The company did exceedingly well, and profits were now more common in the company's monthly report.

But it was at that moment of wealth when Horley was touched by something bigger. A newly born faith had turned this once business man into a prophet, a chosen one of the faith. This new religion was the Order of Kampar. Now Cyan devoted his days not to calculate margins of profit, but to teach naive kids about the greatness of Kampar and to indoctrinate the adults about the benefits one could get from eating the holy Ewok meat. He became a Prophet of the Order.

Then, when the newly elected Viceroy Bren Morgarr required Cyan's help. He called him to perform the duty of Minister of Foreign Affairs. Horley accepted, but he didn't abandon his beliefs. Instead, he saw this opportunity to bring light and saucy Ewok ribs to the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

See also

Viceroy of the Trade Federation
Preceded By:
Toran Slisik
Horley Cyan
Year 6 Day 161Year 7 Day 35
Succeeded By:
Corbin Esco