Hostage Released, compliments of your friendly neighbourhood Bounty Hunter.
Posted by Xanathar Branwen on Year 5 Day 280
Onboard the YT-2000 The Pirates Bane in system Bakura.
The female reporter's midnight black hair frames her pale face, her deep blue eyes near close to tears as she smiles tightly and composes herself. She is genuinly pleased and close to tears of joy. "And now for some good news" she says. Beside her a viewscreen fades into life bearing the angel of death logo of the Dark Vengeance Bounty Hunters. The camera changes angle slightly, and she turns to face it like the seasoned professional she is.
"During the past few weeks the galaxy has watched in horror as the young pilot Nate Sky was held hostage by Arzov Fireclaw. Fireclaw, in his attempt to gain notoriety amongst the elite of the galaxy even auctioned Sky on the Galactic Market. What he failed to see were the forces moving into position to thwart him. During his captivity Nate Sky is believed to have fought and struggled with his opressor as he attempted to gain his freedom.
We're pleased to announce that as of 18:19 on the day 279, with the aid of an unknown Dark Vengeance Bounty Hunter Nate Sky repeled his captor, killing him without mercy in the name of justice. This incident has spread shockwaves throughout the galaxy. Bounty Hunters becoming hero's, freedom fighters for the oppressed and unfortunate. A written press release bearing the mark of Xanathar Branwen stated that this heroic deed was 'simply business'. The statement went on to say, and I quote;
Dispite Eidola's placing of whimsical bounties and the many puppets following Djo's lead in offering rewards for the random deaths of galactic citizens. Dark Vengeance will not be collecting, or acting upon any bounty lodged by the scum and truely foolish of the galaxy. Bounties will only be accepted by Dark Vengeance if lodged by governments or reputable and distinguished members of the galaxtic populance.
We are not terrorists and your feeble attempts to undermine our profession reflects poorly upon yourselves.
The hit on Arzov Fireclaw was a precisely timed opperation, the bounty being lodged and paid for by the Antarian Rangers. To who Nate Sky truely owes his debt of gratitude. Dark Vengeance was simply doing it's job in ensuring that there is one less bad guy in the galaxy.'
When we attempted to contact Dark Vengeance directly about the incident we were informed that Xanathar Branwen was presently in a meeting with an unknown assortment of beings. The results of which we will be informed of 'In due time'. Of the Sky incident no further comment was issued.
It has also been confirmed that because of the trauma he suffered Nate Sky will be undergoing a thorough psycho-analysis at Teniel Djo's hospital for the mentaly insane were a very popular Sith is presently undergoing treatment for 'Hand of God-i-tus."
The camera angle returns to the opening shot of the reporter with the angel of death logo beside her, "So to recap, Nate Sky has been freed from his captivity compliments of your friendly neibourhood bounty hunters," she say's with a twinkling in her eyes, "The score Heroes 1 Bad Guys 0"