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This article is about the Hutt species. For their notable criminal syndicates, see The Hutt Council or The Hutt Cartel.

HomeworldNal Hutta
Average Height3 - 3.9 meters[1]
Skin colorGreen
DistinctionsSlug-like body, hermaphrodites
Average lifespanChild: 1-70[2]
Young Adult: 71-90[2]
Adult: 91-650[2]
Old Age: 845-925[2]
Venerable: 926+[2]
Known MembersList of known Hutts

The Hutts are an avaricious species of large gastropods with stubby arms, wide cavernous mouths, and huge eyes who once controlled an expansive empire in Hutt Space. The species is said to originally hail from the planet Varl, but no planet by that name appeared on any Imperial star charts. Their adopted homeworld is Nal Hutta. Certain members of the species — such as Angobba Desilijic Lucar, Percilia Kajidic, Voragga Zuuma, and Tobba Nokko, — are widely considered to be crime lords who dabble in the less-than-respectable affairs of galactic commerce. In recent years, several Hutt syndicates have gained prominence such as the Hutt Grand Council that existed circa Year 3. Following its decline, a resurgence occurred in the form of Voragga Zuuma's Hutt Cartel in Year 10.


"Hutts are all backside..."
— Eli Gand

Full-grown adult Hutts were very large creatures, boasting a total body-weight of as much as a metric ton. Perhaps unsurprisingly, they were often semi-sedentary, spending their days lounging lazily, and traveling on repulsorlift sleds or palanquins borne by teams of slaves. Most of their bulk rested in their bulging belly and thick, slug-like tail, adding to their impression of bloated corruption. In Hutt society, weight was equated with power and status, so thin Hutts were derided as weak and unworthy.

In terms of physiology, the Hutts were known to be an anomaly as they possessed traits from many different species. Similar to sea mammals, their nostrils close and their large lungs allowed them to stay submerged underwater for hours at a time. Yet they were also similar to worms as they were hermaphroditic and thus held both male and female sex organs. However, they possessed traits like marsupials as they bear their young one at a time who were nourished in a brood pouch in the body. They were also able to open their mouths to incredible lengths allowing them to swallow almost anything Despite these many characteristics, they were generally classified as gastropods by scientists due to the slithering, slug-like manner of their movement. Their slimy hides were typically hairless though an exceptionally rare number were known to grow both locks and beards due to the presence of a recessive genetic trait. While this made them distinctive to non-Hutts, they were seen with distaste and considered a type of mutant among their race.

In fact, a Hutt's thick, fatty hide hid a powerful musculature, allowing them to move with surprising speed on the single muscular "foot" formed by the base of their tail and belly. Their thick, sweaty skin and the heavy layer of fat beneath it served an evolutionary role, maintaining their body temperature. A Hutt's hide was sufficiently thick enough to take several blaster shots before vital organs were reached, permitting the Hutt ample time to pulverize would-be assassins who came unprepared to deal with such a fleshy obstacle. The slimy coating of sweat and mucus protected them from burns. Hutts were also indigestible, a feature that saved Zorba the Hutt from being eaten by the sarlacc on Tatooine. They were also immune to many otherwise lethal chemicals, and could strike lethal blows with their tails.

The Hutts were also completely immune to Force mind tricks, owing to a natural resistance possessed by the species. Although not common, Hutts were able to be Force-sensitive. They had the ability to see ultraviolet light and other frequencies not seen by the Human eye. Often, wealthy Hutts lit their palaces in these spectra of light, giving intruders, or at least those without similar abilities or compensating equipment, a false sense of stealth.

Hutts lacked a conventional bony skeleton, but had an inner armature known as a mantle, which helped to support their arms and head. They also could seal their nostrils and hold their breath for significant lengths of time, and they were omnivorous, capable of distending their jaws to accommodate vast mouthfuls, swallowing food down with a powerful tongue and a specialized shredding organ deep inside their throat, compared by some sources to a mollusk’s radula. Along with terms such as "gastropod", "mantle" and "foot", this choice of terminology seems to suggest a slug-like biology, but it should be noted that much of the current information on Hutts originates in Obo Rin's Catalog of Intelligent Life in the Galaxy, an inaccuracy-laden and perhaps mendaciously speciesist work of Imperial propaganda.

Hutts were resistant to many poisons and diseases and seldom fell ill. Perhaps most remarkably of all, Hutts could even regenerate body parts when injured. Some time prior to 32 BBY, a Hutt known as Gargonn lost half his head, including an eye and apparently a sizable part of his brain, when he was ravaged by a wandrella, yet it was anticipated that he would regenerate the injured tissue completely after a century or so. It is not known if the regeneration of his brain had any effect on his mind or personality. Some Hutts, such as Quaffug, were believed to possess multiple brains, though whether this was a species-wide trait was unknown.

Hutt skin color varied. Throughout the years, Hutts have been known for having quite different skin colors from one another.

Life Cycle

Hutts were hermaphroditic, and as a result, gender was more of a case of a Hutt's deliberate decision or a viewer's deduction. Often, Hutts carrying children were referred to as female, though it was entirely up to the Hutt in question as to if the distinction was accepted or not. For instance, Jiliac was referred to as a female after becoming pregnant, but Popara and Zorba still considered themselves males after birthing their respective children. In addition, some Hutts were known to take mates with each other, such as Gorga and Anachro.

When Hutts were born, they weighed less than 100 grams and after birth they lived a life of being tiny blind creatures that clawed their ways instinctively towards the brood pouch. Once inside, they began to feed on milk and remained there for the next fifty standard years. Upon emergence, they weighed 70 kilograms and measured a meter from head to tail where they had the intellectual level of a ten-year-old Human. However, this was not biologically necessary; Jabba the Hutt had his son Rotta removed from the brood pouch when he was, at most, ten years old, so that he could experience the galaxy. Newborn Hutts, also known as Huttlets, would stay close to their parents for decades, returning to their pouches when they were tired, lonely or scared. Other Hutts were sometimes known to kill them in fear of future competition. Young Hutts matured to adulthood by 130 years whereupon they weighed 500 kilograms and were about the size of a normal adult Human. Prior to this point, they were not considered important nor accountable for their actions for the next millennia. This made Jabba's rise to power at the incredibly young age of 80 all the more impressive.

Unusually for a species so far from humanoid, several Hutts have been known to find female humanoids attractive in some way, though it is unknown whether this is in a sexual manner, in something similar to art appreciation, as status symbols, or for reasons completely beyond our understanding. Jabba the Hutt was the most notable example of this, another was Vogga the Hutt, an entrepreneur who was resided on Nar Shaddaa in the years following the Jedi Civil War. Other examples included Borvo, Dreddon, Soergg, Golga, Popara and Ziro.

The Hutts were known to produce lengthy lifespans with a mere 45 year prison sentence being something they experienced in the blink of an eye. In fact, they were considered one of the longest living species in the galaxy with a maximum recorded lifespan ranging upto a thousand years
