IPV-1 System Patrol Craft

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Navigational Stats
Hyperspeed 0
Sublight Speed 60 MGLT
Max Speed 600 km/h
Maneuverability 3.00
Sensors 9
Escape Pods 1
Docking Bay n/a
Hangar Bay n/a
Landing Capacity Yes
Flight Grade Repulsorlifts Yes
Graviton Generators n/a
Docking Port 1
Medical Room n/a
Storage Room {{{storageroom}}}
Recycling n/a
Weapons/Utilities Turbolasers: 4
Concussion Missile Launchers: 1
Cargo Stats
Weight 11,850 T
Volume 300,000 m³
Weight Capacity 300 T
Volume Capacity 200 m³
Max Passengers 30
Party Slot Size 12.00
Hull Statistics
Length 150 m
Hull 375
Shield 650
Ionic Capacity 400
Raw Materials
Raw Material Price 467,793
Quantum 108
Meleenium 1,140
Ardanium 252
Rudic 277
Rockivory 284
Tibannagas 53
Varmigio n/a
Lommite 41
Durelium n/a
Bacta n/a
Hibridium n/a
Varium n/a
Affiliation Corellian Engineering Corporation
Incom Corporation

A ship specifically designed with one role: Patrol. The IPV-1 was originally commissioned to be a cheap affordable alternative to the more expensive Corellian Corvettes and Gunships, the IPV-1 is able to carry a boarding party and still have room to spare. Matching the speed of most modern craft, the IPV-1 continues to be seen throughout the Galaxy and has become a feared sight by both inexperienced as well as experienced smugglers, usually being the end of their career and the start of a long prison sentence. Most smugglers don't even notice the IPV-1 is on their tail because of the strong sensors of the IPV-1, capable of scanning over long distances, the ease of which systems can be patrolled have surpassed the effort it used to take. The effectiveness of this ship is often debated based on the assumption that it may be too specialized. Its greatest strength may just as well be it's undoing, as lacking a hyperdrive renders it relatively immobile and unable to pursue escaping smugglers into hyperspace, it is hard to move because of its size and usually requires the larger ships to carry it around. Because of these reasons they are usually seen employed by larger governments who aren't willing to spend unnecessary amounts of credits on the more expensive counterparts yet still wish to keep a grasp on the illegal activity in their sectors.

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