Imperial Proclamation - Hosnian System
Posted by: Seele, Galactic Empire
Date: Year 19 Day 197 Onboard the Trading II [GE] Agrilat Trade Centre in system Bosthirda (288, 318).

Coruscant (IPA) quot; The Galactic Empire is communicating to the galaxy that the Hosnian system of the Byblos sector is declared to be part of the Empire’s sovereign territory. Under the Imperial Territories Act, the Hosnian system is subject to governance by His Majesty, Emperor Seele I, who has decreed the Byblos sector to be a contiguous component of the Empire, and part of the Amber Region under the stewardship of Grand Moff Icarus Carinae.
Any persons and organisations which, without proper authorisation of the governor of the Byblos Sector, stake claims or construct any semi-permanent and/or permanent structures within Imperial territory are committing a criminal offence under the Imperial Territories Act. It is also a crime to sell, purchase, trade, or gift any such stakes or constructs that were established in violation of the Imperial Territories Act. Punishments for such offences may include fines, addition to the Imperial Trade Blacklist, refusal of visas to access Imperial territory, and imprisonment.
Imperial military forces are currently en route to the Hosnian system to enforce Imperial law over its claimed territories. Beings are advised the Emperor has authorised a grace period for all persons not on the Imperial Trading Blacklist; if persons or organisations are in possession of illegally founded claims or structures, they may immediately contact the office of the Grand Moff Icarus Carinae to arrange the making-over of any such claims or structures, where the Empire shall pay fair compensation of expenses incurred in the establishment of such entities.
Further establishment of any illegal claims or structures after this galactic-wide communication will be deemed to be an intentional criminal act, and will jeopardise the willingness of the Empire to void criminal prosecution. Further, any compensation that may be paid by the Galactic Empire will have appropriate fines levied from compensation payments.
All beings of the galaxy have been warned.