Imzig Secured

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Posted by Tyr DeMeer on Year 0 Day 0

Onboard the YT-2000 Nox at galactic position (-92, -179).

A strange symbol appears on your viewer, a red disk with a large leaf piercing its center. You have seen it before. Its the Mandalore Crest. The image stays centered on the crest for a few moments to then fade away and being replaced by the image of a human male. He is sitting in a command chair onboard one of the Mandalores Capital ships.

"For a few weeks ago a small delegation from the local goverment of Imzig approched the forces that would be known as Mandalore. The goverment of Imzig had problems with raiders and a pirate group called Rancors Fist. This group had established itself on Imzig several years ago. At first doing small scale things like hauling of illegal cargos. Then as time went by the group grew and grew to more or less taking control of the entire planet and the surrounding system."

The man stopped talking for a few moments as the holovision showned the image of the Imzig planet and then it returned to Tyr DeMeer.

"The goverment sent out its military to take care of this threat, but they underestimated the resources of the pirate group and the pirates came out from the battle victorious. It was at this point the Imzig goverment started to look for help outside their own world and how they came in contact with us.The Mandalore accepted the mission and started to assembly its forces. A few hours before the actual attack would begin a unit under the command of General Drayer infiltrated the planet and successfully disabled 3 out of 4 sensor arrays.

After this the main force arrived. It consisted of elements from the 1st and 2nd Fleet, the fighter groups Blak'sad and Mek'leth along with the Escort Fleet. The Mandalore fighter wings immidiatelly engaged the pirate fighters as the Capital ships moved into orbit over Imzig in preperation of the ground assualt. Once it was secure enough the Escort Fleet, under Leos Andrynns Command, started to land the infantry. The fleet then started to bombard the pirate fortifications around the city Miru Gal. The bombardment was followed with an ground attack by Mandalore Infantry The battle was hard but short."

The image is then replaced with a few images showing how the Mandalore forces engages the pirate group.

The images fades away and are once again replaced with Warrior Eminence Tyr DeMeer.