Ivan Vargas

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Ivan Vargas
Biographical Information
Race Kiffar
Homeworld Kiffu
Mother Elisabetta Gremora
Father Vincenzo Vargas
Born Year -20 Day 184
Languages Galactic Basic
Physical Description
Gender Male
Political Information
Affiliation None

Ivan Vargas is a half Kiffar, half Kuati born a bastard child of Vincenzo Vargas and Elisabetta Gremora. While abandoned during his childhood, he managed to educate himself to a state of prominence, despite various incarcerations in various undesirable facilities on Kiffu. A man of few attachments and desires to interact with others, he maintains a laid-back approach to life. Whether a blaster bolt to the brain or day in a sewer, little phases Ivan, maintain a suave exterior to those around him while remaining independent of the galactic conflicts, instead focussing on his own personal gambling endeavours, surrounded by an array of alcoholic beverages and other illicit materials.


Day One and Onward

Ivan Vargas was born on the outskirts on Kiffu in Sanctuary City to Vincenzo Vargas and Elisabetta Gremora. While soliciting a secret affair, Ivan was conceived nine moths earlier and remained hidden from public view until his birth. While his parents' relationship quickly soured, Elisabetta attempted to raise Ivan without the aide of Vincenzo, who had returned to his wife on Kuat in an effort to maintain his marriage without the burden of a bastard child causing him concern. While his primitive years were quite regular for a young child, as Ivan grew to the age of six or seven, Elisabetta soon realised she could not maintain her facade as a mother, quickly abandoning Ivan also. Young and alone, with only clothes on his back, Ivan lacked the training or direction to maintain a life of honesty, instead stealing to survive. While various merchants looked the other way when Ivan came begging for money and food, several became displeased of his actions, many of which had in placed in juvenile facilities for much of his teenage years.

While many in such a situation continued their criminalistic tendencies, Ivan kept to himself, rarely interacting with other inmates or the guards, instead focusing on himself and his physique.

The home planet of Kiffu

Each day he could be found in the exercise yard or the library, trying to build some sort of resemblance to that of regular society. Despite his abandonment, Ivan had no desire to reconnect with his parents or learn about his family or heritage. He simply considered himself an orphan without history. Someone who could instead shape his destiny through his own actions without the need to rely on others for direction. Upon his release from an institution just after his eighteenth birthday, Ivan used what knowledge he had learnt to implement himself into the local bureaucracy, volunteering at various engineering projects and infrastructure endeavours to follow his new found interests. While each assignment was viewed as cumbersome to those paid employees around him, Ivan instead viewed each one as a learning apparatus, something he could use as a tool later whenever the situation presented itself. As he continued this attitude, he was regularly given work over those paid employees, resulting in redundancies. Despite the loss of work around him, he disregarded the insults and attacks thrown at him, viewing their actions as deserved due to their poor attitude towards the work.


As the years passed his volunteering roles soon turned into paid ones themselves. His work ethic was recognised and Ivan was soon consulting for other corporations on Kiffu. As he began to be resourced further in place of his more expensive corporate counterparts, his began to receive threats to cease his operations. Whether delivered on a datapad, a knife at his various worksites he was working out of, or a thug throwing a punch, Ivan was not fazed. Each day was a gift, he was never worried or afraid of death, should he be taken from the galaxy earlier than expected, he had no qualm. He kept working, beating those that threatened him into submission to send a message, he still kept to himself, rarely interacting with others or forming attachments. While he was quite perceptive, Ivan was always wary of being betrayed or abandoned like his parents, and he had no real desire to make friends unless the individual showed a sacrifice themselves. As he reached his late twenties, he began to feel an urge grow to explore some of the stars. Remaining unattached to possessions aside from the clothes on his back, he travelled around for the next several years using registered transport. Despite the reasonable wealth he had accumulated, he rarely had a need to spend his income, merely maintain a facade of a suave businessman, maintaining an array of fine suits on his travels to hide his more meagre upbringing.

Instead of following tradition and visiting common tourism attractions or galactic sites, Ivan instead travelled to some more less desirable places throughout the galaxy. While difficult to find transport to some locations, he stumbled through locations such as the Si`Klaata Cluster, Empress Teta, Nar Shaddaa and Malicar. Without a worry about his livelihood or how he would return to Kiffu, Ivan simply decided to enjoy his surroundings, growing a close affinity to fine alcohol, cigarettes or various varieties and gambling. While his counterparts around the various hotspots seemed intent on brawling or shooting each other to a pulp, Ivan maintained his patience, choosing his targets carefully, increasing his wealth exponentially. As the years continued, his lifestyle gradually began to become more relaxed. His once impenetrable barriers began to fall away as he welcomed those around him, even calling some people friends or undertaking a relationship or two. Despite having these attachments, he had little desire to settle down into one location. He did not purchase any property, a starship or any material possessions other than clothing. He never carried a weapon and maintained a rented room under an alias. He believed that one day he would eventually settle down and infiltrate himself into society sooner or later, but his desires did not feel a need at such a stage of his life.

Traits and Beliefs

Ivan Vargas, the Man

Rarely seen in anything but a finely pressed suit, Ivan maintains a facade of a suave, educated man. While self educated and abandoned as a child with no inheritance, he maintains an aura of status both to integrate himself into society whenever needed, but to also hide his true nature from prying eyes.

Ivan and his smoking habit.

He maintains a muscular physique, often seen clean shaven however has been known to maintain a beard when suited. While shining away from the traditional tattoos of the Kiffar on his mothers side, Ivan has several tattoos on his body from his instances of incarceration as a child. While half Kuati by blood, he chooses to associate himself as a Kiffar in nature. Despite perfect vision without the aide of implements or cybernetics, Ivan is often seen wearing a pair of spectacles should the moment suit him, and his hair is regularly changed in both colour and length, adapting to his changing moods on a regular basis.


While he maintains a suave nature on his exterior, little is known publicly about his personality due to his lack of associations. Those closest to him would describe him as kind and patent to a point, but is known to be calculating in his decisions. He forms few attachments to individuals or objects, having no issue in walking away from anything or anyone should he so desire. He has little desire to maintain personal possessions other than the clothes on his back, out of either paranoia or desire. He rarely shows any fear or excitement, leading a sombre life, viewing each day as a no special than the last. While adapting such a relaxed viewpoint on the galaxy around him, he has kept clear of the predominant galactic conflicts, not choosing either side with his allegiance, remaining unfazed by the outcome, should one ever eventuate.

Ivan believes in the equality of all races, showing no favouritism or segregation towards any race or their standing in society. His various endeavours over his years in the galaxy have involved the interaction with various species, both of the human and non-human variant. While these interactions are often fruitful, he has no desire to learn another language aside from his current Galactic Basic, instead spending his time on his various gambling habits or assignments he undertakes throughout the galaxy.