Javis Drazin

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Javis Drazin
Biographical Information
Race Human
Homeworld Kothlis
Father Jophis Drazin
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 6 foot 4
Political Information
Affiliation Total Outer Rim
Positions Prospector



I was born on Kothlis, as was my father. My father faught for the rights of the innocent, capitalized on the greed of the guilty, and avenged the deeds of the evil. He was gone a lot when I was younger, so I grew close to my mother. When the Imperials invaded, my father arrived too late, and my mother was lost. The Empire renamed the planet, and my father took me with him out into wild space. There he began to teach me how to be a man, how to be a smuggler and how to stay alive. Always on the go, always on to the next big thing. Always looking over your shoulder.

When he disappeared a few years ago, it left me in a place I had never been. Completely alone, without a ship, without credits, and without family. It is here where I begin my journey, with more questions than answers. So it begins...

I am Javis. Son of Jophis. This is my story.

Total Outer Rim

Javis joined the Total Outer Rim when he heard they were looking for qualified prospectors. Javis' father Jophis had trained him in the art of mining when his father ran a mining business for several years, thus giving Javis a great head start into a career oportunity.

Career History

Current Occupations

Prospector, Total Outer Rim

Former Occupations


Career Timeline

  • Joined Total Outer Rim Y16 D152