Jude Vatz

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Jude Vatz
Biographical Information
Race Falleen
Born Year -167
Died Year 19 Day 47
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.83m 6'0"
Weight 104.33kg 230lbs
Coloring Green
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Political Information
Affiliation Tresario Star Kingdom
Rank King
Positions Sovereign of the Tresario Star Kingdom
Sovereign of the Sentinels of Tresario
Marshall of the Order of Tresarian Freedom
Peer of the Order of the Noblest Rukhar
Nathran of Clan Eu’maios
Patron of the Tikiars
Citizen of the Tresario Star Kingdom
Prior Affiliation Falleen Federation

Jude Vatz was the King of Tresario Star Kingdom until his death in Year 19.

Marshall of the Order of Tresario Freedom
Preceded By:
Bisz Aldaris
Jude Vatz
Year 12 Day 37Year 19 Day 264
Succeeded By:
Alto Rexar

King of Tresario
Preceded By:
Bisz Aldaris
Jude Vatz
Year 12 Day 37Year 19 Day 264
Succeeded By:
Alto Rexar