Kira Morbus

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Kira Morbus
Biographical Information
Race Anzati
Homeworld Anzat
House Morbus Creche
House Kaine
Mother Unknown
Father Unknown
Children Eros Morbus † (son)
Ezra Morbus † (son) Adopted
Kryssa Sallos † (daughter)
Languages Fluent
Physical Description
Gender Female
Height 1.75m 5'9"
Weight 61kg 135lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color White
Political Information
Affiliation Black Sun
Title Doktor
Matriarch of the Morbus Creche
Rank Vigo of Interior Black Sun
Positions Overlord Marauder, Máurari Blackguard
Master of House Kaine
Prior Affiliation The Krath Dynasty
Awards Black Sun
Commendation Medal
Taspir Campaign
Altora Campaign
Intelligence Agent
Máurari Blackguard Agent
Exceptional Combatant Citation
4 Years Service Award

Kira Morbus (/ˈkɪər ə mɔr'bɪs/ or [KEER-uh mor·bis]; born Year -245 Day 152) is an Anzat Overlord Marauder in Máurari Blackguard and a high-ranking member of the Black Sun Collective. She is a powerful Force user who is well known for having many willing sources of soup, despite the usual negative or fearful response to Anzati feeding. She is also renown for her strong connection to the Dark Side of the Force. In addition to her Black Sun duties, she is the Matriarch of the Morbus Creche and a Master of House Kaine.