Kloota Vul`mak

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Kloota Vul`mak
Biographical Information
Race Givin
Homeworld Yag'Dhul
Mother Plodra Vul`mak
Father Charg Vul`mak
Spouse None
Siblings None
Children None
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.87 meters
Hair Color None
Eye Color Black
Political Information
Affiliation Freelance

Kloota Vul'mak is a normal Givin, born on Yag'Dhul he grew up learning math and science with many other Givin. Growing up Kloota always had a fascination with starship, spaceship construction and research and design. Naturally, when Kloota headed out into the galaxy he sought to procure a job in one of the many shipwright companies, he was gladly accepted into Tapani Starship Cooperative where he began work right away, he has also done work with the Aurodium Legion. Kloota is doing well for himself and is looking towards the future with Tapani, starship construction and research and development. He is now a Freelance worker.



A common Givin, Kloota has spent all of his early life on Yag'Dhul learning at the local academy and working with his father. His parents both live and work on Yag`Dhul, his father is a starship designer for his own company and his mother works for the Yag`Dhul academy.

Kloota continued to work with his father for a few years honing his mathematical, ship building and ship research and development skills, along with practicing his charisma, cunning, and manipulation of others. After working with his father for two more years he decided to leave Yag`Dhul in an attempt to find work with another ship-building company.

Leaving Yag`Dhul

This is when Kloota met Rawth Shacklefist, a Chiss who told him about the Aurodium Legion and Tapani Starship Cooperative (TSC). Kloota applied for work with TSC right away and was accepted into the organization. He did a lot of work for them with ship construction. Kloota's friendship with Rawth grew and Rawth was able to have a C-3 Luxury Liner acquired for Kloota. Kloota dubbed the great vessel Researcher and knew that this ship was exactly what he needed for his ship research.

After receiving his C-3 Kloota took a leave of absence from TSC and worked on his own aboard his C-3 Researcher, doing a variety of different task such as setting up his research team and research labs aboard the ship. He is extremely confident in his abilities to lead and command, aboard is private capital ship he meticulously planed how he will wield ultimate power and subjugate entire star systems. During this time Kloota learned that his true power is not in personal combat but in command of others. Using science and logic are Kloota's fortes.

Work With TSC and AL

After spending months on his ship, Kloota emerged and has since been back to work for TSC and AL, doing various build projects such as building space stations and developing cities. Kloota enjoys his work for AL and TSC and is looking to progress up the command chain, hoping to eventually become the head researcher. Kloota also enjoys working with Rawth as he has been appointed head of Rawth's personal shipyards. Kloota was then part of a search team with the Legion where he help to search out hidden systems among the stars.