Legatum Sanguinis Gloriae

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Legatum Sanguinis Gloriae
Class Foray-class Blockade Runner
Role Flagship, Museum
Commanding Officer Korin Hael Vir`uan
Date of Manufacture Unknown, Est. Circa -3970 to -3925
Affiliation Vir`uan Family, Arcturus Academy
  • Seventeenth Alsakan Conflict
  • Fall of Alsakan
  • Skirmish at the Knot Holes

The Foray-class Blockade Runner was originally a military vessel of the Corellian Hegemony that saw action during the penultimate, Sixteenth Alsakan Conflict. Built by the Republic Fleet Systems and designated, Hegemonic Humility, by its first captain, Ensign Olune, the Foray-class Blockade Runner served as an assault troop transport for the Corellian privateer attack on Alsakan. Landing on the southern beaches outside of Xenvaer with other Corellian Assault Ships, a full-strength army of Corellian privateers attempted to assault the defensive fortifications on the beachside but in the end, failed. With the Corellian fleet of frigates retreating, the Foray-class Blockade Runner was trapped on Alsakan and was quickly captured by the Vir`uan Family and their Heritage Guard, the force responsible for defending the southern beaches outside Xenvaer.

Due to the Vir`uan Family’s vital role in maintaining their positions against the largest portion of Corellia’s land assault on Xenvaer, the noble council of Alsakan decided to renovate the captured Foray-class Blockade Runner free of charge to memorialize their great sacrifice and resolve. Newly christened as “The Blood Legacy of Glory” by the King of Alsakan, the Vir`uan Family ascended to new heights and become a dominant Alsakani mercantile household. Over time, the ship was continually maintained by each successive generation and kept as a constant, proud reminder of their first triumph. The ship was most recently maintained and upgraded by utilizing familial assets within the Relephon System refitting the ship into the modern age.

The ship’s most unique characteristic is its monochromatic, blackgold armour plating: these carefully forged armoured plates are made with a special durasteel alloy, that contains trace amounts of aurodium and platinum, unique only to proper Alsakani nobility; and considered a unique reward to the non-noble Vir`uan. Expert craftsmen diligently carved the numerous historical Alsakan symbols on these plates, each representing a unique piece of Alsakani lore or wisdom. The original structural schematic of the Foray-class Blockade Runner was retained, serving as a multi-purpose, utility vessel capable of being a transport, an auxiliary warship, and a patrol craft. The ship was perpetually maintained by Vir`uan Family mechanics, ensuring that the Foray-class Blockade Runner remained a viable war vessel despite the passing of time. The largest upgrade the Legatum Sanguinis Gloriae received was to the system’s central control system and electronic hardware, effectively reducing the necessary number of crew for operation as well as refining and allowing the ship to be more effectively commanded.


Capture at Xenvaer

During the Sixteenth Alsakan Conflict much of the Alsakani Forces were unified on the front lines pushing towards Coruscant when scouts detected the approach of Corellian privateers that had joined the war on the side of the Hegemony through the Arrowhead Strait, a previously secret hyperlane that connected Alsakan directly to Ixtlar along the Spine. Due to this the Hegemony forces were granted a direct and unopposed access point to the homeworld. As news of this reached the noble council they quickly forced into action any and all vessels and sentients planet side capable of aiding in the diminished defense. To that end, a small merchant family by the name of Vir`uan was pressed into service, into which the family patriarch and his small merchant militia of five hundred troops were given the charge of defending the southern beaches outside the capital city of Xenvaer.

It had already been determined that if the Corellians breached what little space defenses were left in place that Xenvaer's southern defenses would be the most likely assaulted given the limited defensive emplacements and relative ease of landing the beaches themselves provided. As such the noble council had determined any defenses placed here must be considered dispensable, and were treated as little more than a delaying force while the "real" soldiers were organized and prepared to defend the heart of the Alsakani Government.

The Vir`uan were determined that they would alter the fate they had been granted; with the deployed forces bringing all the equipment they had available to increase the defensive fortifications at the beaches, with numerous turbolaser batteries being rapidly field stripped from the Vir`uan troop transports and jerry rigged to the defensive bunkers as makeshift AA batteries. This allowed the meager forces to shoot down several landing craft as they came in for a landing. This led to an initial bought of disarray amongst the privateers whom had anticipated minimal resistance, and were ill prepared for a very angry merchant militia that had been defending merchant craft for a decade from Corellian Pirates. The landing forces at the beaches were ultimately delayed and unable to join the rest of their comrades during the course of the planetary assault, and what had been intended as a swift and decisive end to the Conflict turned into a grueling bloodbath for ever meter of land.

After two days of fighting the Hegemony called a retreat from the Alsakan System, and as the enemy retreated from the beach the Vir`uan attempted a counter assault with the intent of gunning down as many Corellians as possible. While they were unsuccessful at preventing the retreat, they did ultimately manage to board and capture the Hegemonic Humility; and turn what was deemed a suicide mission into a victory. It was estimated that over a third of the Vir`uan troops were killed defending the beach, and the Corellian causalities have been lost to historical record.

Post Conflict

Following the Conflict the vessel received numerous repairs, and upgrades from the finest Alsakan Shipwrights by order of the noble council before being given to the Vir`uan Family as a reward for their service during the war. The vessel received additional modifications to its interior to serve as a semi luxury transport craft for the Vir`uan with the intent to serve as a meeting place for trade negotiations as the Vir`uan plied the trade lanes across the Republic. While the Sixteenth Conflict ultimately ended in a status quo for the Republic, it served to greatly modify the fate of the Vir`uan Family which was able to quickly establish itself amongst the merchant houses of Alsakan.

Faltering Stars

Approximately fifteen hundred years before the First Galactic Civil War Alsakan underwent a paradigm shift in which the great noble lineages of the world were cast down due to the anger of the people. The nobles for generations had allowed the territory amassed under Alsakan to falter and wane under the poison of the Republic, thus ensuring the dominance of Coruscant. It was at this time that the merchant houses, whom had for the last two thousand years been gaining power, took the opportunity to lead a coup against the remnants of nobility still somehow maintaining control. The Legatum was one such ship leading the charge, and took a major role in the orbital blockade over Xenvaer.

Waning Glory

By year -300 the Legatum had been moored at the Nocturnal Palace, and though maintained the vessel was no longer utilized by the family as either a flagship or personal transport due to its aging drive systems.

Fall of Alsakan

In the year -23 Alsakan finally came under pressure from the First Galactic Civil War when CIS forces had secured footholds along the Perlemian Trade Route giving them direct access into the Alsakan Sector and from there a staging point for assault against the Republic Capital of Coruscant. In a bid to fend off any such assault on the heart of the galactic government Republic Forces quickly moved to secure the Alsakan System against assault, and in an attempt to rapidly succor defenses in system pressed the local defense fleet and militias into service under the Republic Banner. This included the bulk of the Heritage Guard assets that remained under the Ev'reuin Family name and had sweeping results across their fleet taking both civilian and combat capable ships alike. When the time came to commandeer the Legatum Sanguinis Gloriae the Ev'reuin found themselves fortunate that the Republic Officer inspecting the vessel managed to overlook her generational upgrades and only saw a relic from times long past.

Spared from the devastating space battle that resulted in the near total destruction of the defending Republic Fleet the Legatum found itself amid the docking port of the Nocturnal Palace being rapidly loaded with anything and everything that remained to the family. Priceless Relics, Heritage Guard Personnel, Supplies, Civilians and Family Members. It wasn't long before alarms blared through the streets of Archais and the people there found themselves racing for cover as orbital fire rained down from the victorious CIS fleet, now setting its sights on eliminating Republic Ground Resistance. Surviving the initial blasts due to its docking location in the Nocturnal Valley the ship quickly blasted itself free of its moorings and lifted off from the ground racing headlong into the torrential downpour of laser fire. With nearly all available power directed to the forward shields and engines the ship creaked and moaned from the modern firepower of the dedicated warships in orbit, but its upgrades were enough to hold it through.

Escaping through the bombarding fleet the vessel jumped to hyperspace with its sights set on the Hapes Cluster as its final destination, one of the few galactic governments maintaining a neutral stance in the war.

Skirmish at the Knot Holes

Upon reaching the Lorelli Reach the Ev'reuin Family, and by extension the Legatum were granted asylum and entry to the Cluster with their final planned destination being Hapes itself where they had intended to settle down. Unfortunately as the vessel began its slow journey through the Knot Holes it ran afoul a group of Raiders who found themselves more then content to attack the already damaged and unescorted vessel. Broadcasting an emergency signal the Legatum crew began engaging the battles as it moved off attempting to distance themselves from the attacking force.

With the arrival of local defense forces the vessel was saved from the raiders but at the ultimate cost of extensive damage to their engine array. As the vessel got underway once more it made it to terminus point of the Gallinore Reach in the Rifle Worlds where the vessels engines and hyperdrive suffered a severe and irreversible failure causing the ship to be stranged in the relatively remote Relephon System. After contacting local shipping vessels the Legatum was towed to near orbit of Relephon where the Ev'reuin Family decided to remain and set down roots on the Second Moon.


In Year 18, after having thoroughly established themselves within the Hapes Consortium, the Ev'reuin Family began a process of repair and revitalization for the Legatum Sanguinis Gloriae. This initially began with a completely new engine array built from the ground up within local dry docks. The interior of the vessel was utterly gutted with exception to the Blood Throne Room. With a newly designed bridge and even more modernized computer systems the crew requirements of the Legatum were further driven down.

The rest of the interior of the ship was renovated to serve as a mobile museum and archive for usage by the Arcturus Academy. New additions to the vessels interior included an archival and reliquary vault for storage of nondisplayed artifacts and information, a tertiary analysis lab, a small library with remote Reliquary Archive uplinks, an art gallery, water gardens, and more. The Blood Throne Room retained its original design and served as a display space for Ev'reuin Family Relics specifically. With this full modification put into play, the Legatum became unofficially known as "Site B", a tertiary data archive site in which the archival vaults of the Reliquary could be preserved in the event of a tragedy. For the purpose of public egress, the Legatum makes its Port of Call at Lorell in the Lorell System with its archives and galleries open to sentients of all allegiances.

Starting in Year 20 the Legatum will begin a 30 system tour over the course of the year in which its displays will be open to the sentients of the galaxy who lack the means of travel to the publicly open Lorell System.

Renewed Glory - The Museum Ship

As the ship took to the stars once more it was deemed that the ship, a museum piece in its own rights; was the perfect vessel to serve as a archive for the Arcturus Academy. As the burgeoning archive took shape aboard the vessel it was deemed appropriate as a mobile museum and as such the interior of the vessel was heavily remodeled to serve in this new role. Most of its military and flag assets being stripped and subsequently transferred to other vessels in the growing Heritage Fleet.

Blood Throne Gallery

Containing the legendary Blood Throne of Alsakan. The Throne had belonged to the King's of Archais during the old days before the world was one united power. It eventually passed into vaults of the Vir`uan Family in year -2800 when Archais was heavily assaulted by fleets from Corusant. The Throne was later placed upon a viewing gallery of the Legatum by a Patriarch of the Household whos greed outweighed his rights. The Throne has remained in place ever sense. The Gallery now named in its honor traditionally plays host to Alsakan artifacts, though with the opening of the museum also hosts Hapan and Vir`uan artifacts.

Hall of Sponsors

Located off the Greeting Hall near the aft section of the vessel, the Hall of Sponsors serves in dedication to the men, women, and entities who have supported and donated to the efforts of the Academy to preserve the gifts of the galaxy for future generations.


The Library retains a direct holonet uplink to the central Academy Repository located beneath REDACTED. The physical holobooks and manuscripts kept on sight are routinely rotated out with those maintained in the Central Archive for the purpose of providing regularly alternating content to Museum Patrons.

Water Gardens

The Water Gardens lay at the heart of the vessel, and have been carefully curated to ensure the viability of a spaceborn hydroponics garden. It is gently and delicately maintained to ensure the resident flora can exist in as natural an environment as possible aboard a vessel such as this. The Water Gardens are known to contain a variety of species from across the galaxy, many of which have been curated and provided by the intrepid adventurer Dobbs Mottley.

Force Artifact Gallery

This gallery hosts artifacts associated with the Force, and various associated orders therein. All force artifacts are appropriately researched by trained force-sensitives associated with the Academy whom help determine the safety for public display. Any artifact deemed appropriate for public display is subsequently secured behind technological devices designed to suppress any force emanating affects.

Cultural Artifact Gallery

The Cultural Artifact Gallery focuses on displaying culturally specific artifacts from across the galaxy.

Art Gallery Greeting Hall Central Security Hub Gift Shop


Post Conflict Upgrades

Following the Sixteenth Alsakan Conflict the ship received multiple upgrades to bring it inline with Alsakan Naval Standards. These upgrades were conducted under the auspices of the Royal Shipwrights in Archais, and took nearly two years to complete. These upgrades ranged from rudimentary interior modifications, to advanced technical additions that allowed the ship to become a relevant Ship of the Line of the Alsakan Navy under the command of the Vir`uan Family.

Alsakan Designed Navicomputer The vessels original Navicomputer was scrapped and replaced with an Alsakan Designed variant which was programmed with the secret hyperlines existing within Alsakan Space which had been extensively used over the numerous Alsakan Conflicts to launch surprise assaults into Republic Space.

Monochromatic Blackgold Plating The handcrafted armour plates were carefully crafted and installed upon the vessel over the course of two years, a project filled with as much pomp and ceremony as it was with craftmanship and power. This armour plating continues to serve the vessel all the way to the modern day, with no intent in place to replace it. Due to the unique sigils carved into each plate, this armour ensures the vessel is truly one of a kind.

Interior Renovations Due to the intent of the newly captured vessel to serve as a Flagship for the Vir`uan Family, it was extensively renovated to fit the extravagance demanded by a House of Alsakan. These renovations included a sprawling expansion to the Captain's Quarters, and the installation of am extensive viewing deck near the front of the vessel designed so that the upper class of Alsakan could indulge in battles with a drink and a view.

Heritage Refit

Rebirth at Relephon


Timeline of Events