Lijido Rothe

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Lijido Rothe
Biographical Information
Race Selkath
Homeworld Manaan
Physical Description
Gender Male
Political Information
Affiliation The Antarian Rangers
Rank Lt., Junior


Male Sekath, light-colored, tends to dress modestly, unimpressed by others' frills, views them as vain. Skinny and short for his race, an effect of the plague that destroyed his hometown (see biography). He is a driven, determined individual, who enjoys life, but never forgets the promise he made so long ago... Usually good and docile, but not afraid to fight when the situation calls for it. Will not use his claws in a fair fight, but has no compunction about using the venomous spurs when his life is on the line.


When Lijido was a child, his home was devastated by a mysterious plague. No cure could be found: even kolto could not stop it. One of a handful of survivors, Lijido swore to pursue the sickness the rest of his life, to hunt it down, to track it, and to stop it before it could cause another epidemic. He studied medicine in Ahto city for some time before being offered a position with Kahlev Biological engineering. Though Lijido had hoped for a position as a doctor or researcher, he soon found himself shuffled to a low level position as pilot. Flying for Kahlev, Lijido soon gained skill as a pilot, a job that he started to enjoy. But when Kahlev cut Lijido's position as pilot and tried to force him to do grunt work for construction, he realized that Kahlev was no longer the promise he had hoped it to be. After leaving Kahlev (which dissolved shortly afterward) Lijido joined the Antarian Rangers as a new cadet and began studying at their academy. Through diligent work, he soon graduated and was promoted to Junior Lieutenant.