Matthew Wilcox

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Matthew Wilcox
Biographical Information
Race Corellian
Homeworld Corellia
Mother Unknown
Father Unknown
Spouse None
Siblings N/A
Children None
Born -8Y 97D (25 y/o)
Died N/A
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 6'2"
Hair Color White
Eye Color Brown
Political Information
Affiliation New Republic
The Jedi Order
Rank N/A
Prior Affiliation

Character History

Under Construction.

Early Life

Start of Matt's Life

Matthew was born into a small tribe on Corellia, where most of the inhabitants were not modernized at all. He lived in the trees, and always was bothered by others due to his white unusual hair color. There he learned the basics of surviving as well as the way of fighting with sticks. It might have seemed weird when he brought these skills to modernized areas, but this was the start of his love of the Jedi Order.

While growing up, he never knew who his parents were; nor did he know whether or not he had siblings. He was left in the tribe, and whenever he asked someone in the tribe they brushed the question off and didn't answer it. At the age of 6, after many years of asking, he decided to just stop thinking about his past all together. It was hard, but he managed to continue on without them.

Joining the Jedi Order

At the age of 20, Matt decided to leave the tribe and moved to the capital of Corellia, Coronet City, where he was introduced to the religion; Jediiism. He was interested in it, and quickly dedicated his life to the path to the light side. It took him 5 years to find someone to take him to Ossus, where Matthew finally joined the Jedi Order.

Mission with the New Republic

Right upon his joining, he was sent to work for the New Republic; as well as to learn and gain experience. -- This Missions is yet to be completed --