Message from me

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Posted by Venix Soyak on Year 0 Day 0

Onboard the Sabaoth Destroyer Revenant at galactic position (34, -230).

Your screen turns black and all that, and you see various logo's and stuff like that.

A big and scary face appears on the screen. You instantly start puking and after cleaning your terminal, you notice the person the face belongs to started to speak.

"Galaxy. I've noticed the amount of news postings about thievery. I come before you today to reviel to you the greatest theft of all...."

The screen flickers, and an image of Vodo Bonias appears.

"Galaxy, this man, who you all undoubtly know and loathe, has stolen something from me."

"Vodo, you have stolen my heart. Your manly features and awe inspiring spelling made me realise you're the man I wuv."

The face starts kissing the camera.

"Come to me now, Vody, and together we will populate the galaxy with our children, thus RULING IT LIKE NO OTHER ! LET ME BE YOUR BIATCH!"

Suddenly, the face is replaced by a list of names, amongst them are Horthon Gorthy, Kotash Jarak, Kyle Rainer and his brother Dyreese, the Ikron twins, Teniel Djo, Lillith Drax, Kulthar Drax, Xanathar WHatshisname, Jeric Sensar, Chiss Veers, Ethan Stone, Banquo Knox, Simms, Uebles, even Navik Ikron is on the list, to name a few.

"Behold the list of people I hate. I hate you, and you, and you. And I hate you and you too. No wait, I wuv Simms and Uebles.. BUT I HATE THE REST OF YOU!"

This all is followed by a loud and agonising scream, cracking your vidscreen, damaging it beyond repair.

Could this be the end of the Galactic News System ? Who knows. Fingers crossed.