Myorzo Corporations, Thanks to those that have helped
Posted by Zorran Black on Year 0 Day 0
Onboard the YV-666 Tornado at galactic position (-286, -30).
After the disasterous happenings surrounding the now defunct CSA, a few members got together and decided to pool what little resources they were left with and attempted to start again. From these very humble beginnings and in the some what depths of despair an idea was born and The Myorzo Corporation came to life. It was not easy to get started and as such the newly formed Myorzo Corporation needed financial aide.
Myorzo has now been the beneficiary of donations from a number of sentinent beings around the galaxy. As a thankyou to those that have made a contribution, Myorzo has created a portal of thanks where those that have helped us will be remembered. Not only that everyone that donates to the value of 100,000 credits or more to the Myorzo Corporation will have one of the Myorzo Facilites named after them as a way of expressing our gratitude.
Names such as The Efrawn Hotel, the Cellos Soyak Industrial Estate, the Dahtar Memorial Fountain or Flynn Park, are now seen in places around the galaxy.
If you are interested in not only lending a helping hand to the Myorzo Corporation but in having naming rights to a Myorzo facility and being remembered for your contributions, then please send your contribution no matter how big or how small to Myorzo Weapon Systems or talk to Zorran Black for further information.