Nal Hutta

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Nal Hutta
System Y'Toub
Sector Hutt Space
Galactic Coordinates (325, -20)
System Coordinates (9, 3)
Astrographic Entry Nal Hutta
Type Hot/Breathable
Primary Terrain: Jungle
Rotational Period 87 standard hours
Orbital Period 413 local days
Population 20,871,343,519 inhabitants
Controlled By Eidola Pirates
Governor Eidola Pirates
Magistrate Squall Chitose
Sentient Races Hutts

Nal Hutta is the homeworld of the Hutt species and the central hub of the Spice Triangle. For many years, Nal Hutta has been controlled by the Eidola Pirates. Throughout its long and storied history, the planet of Nal Hutta and its orbiting moon, Nar Shaddaa, have served as a haven of numerous disreputable organizations including the Night Thieves, the Hutt Council, the Smugglers Guild, and the Hutt Cartel.


Nal Hutta and its moon, Nar Shaddaa, are located in the centre of Hutt Space and receive a constant traffic of freight haulers, smugglers, and other galactic traders. The planet is ruled by a council of the eldest members of the "Clans of the Ancients," the oldest Hutt families. The world's population consists of nearly seven billion inhabitants, three billion of them Hutts.

A bruised green, blue, and brown planet in the Y'Toub system, Nal Hutta — meaning "Glorious Jewel" in Huttese — is one of the primary planets settled by the Hutts after leaving their ancestral home of Varl. The planet's immense size is compensated by its extremely low density, giving it a tolerable gravity. Nal Hutta was once a pleasant world of mountainous rain forests. Since their arrival, however, the Hutts have transformed it into a gloomy planet of stinking bogs, stagnant, scum-covered puddles, and patches of sickly marsh grass inhabited by insects and spiders.

The planet's flocks of large, clumsy birds are shot down by swoop-riding hunters. The atmosphere is polluted by strip-mining operations in Nal Hutta's industrial centres, and a greasy rain drizzles down on the world's destitute inhabitants living in their squatters' villages and ghettos. Entertainment centres located near the Nal Hutta spaceport stand on stilts in the planet's swampy ground. The white palace of the infamous Dahurgha the Hutt lies across from the spaceport, and features a swamp-water bathhouse and an infamous network of dungeons. Raw materials are continually strip-mined from Nal Hutta's surface and shipped to the Nar Shaddaa moon for processing and transport.

Many years ago, the planet was known as Evocar and was the homeworld of the primitive Evocii. When the Hutts arrived, they traded technology to the Evocii in exchange for land, eventually buying up the planet and forcing the Evocii from their homeworld. Once the Hutts controlled the entire planet, they replaced all Evocii structures with Hutt palaces and shrines and renamed the world Nal Hutta. The planet's nearness to busy hyperspace lanes made it a popular trade world at the time, though the trade lanes have long since shifted.

In recent history, Nal Hutta and its moon have become a haven for smugglers, pirates, and criminals. Most notably, the Hutt Cartel and the Eidola Pirates have been known to engage in multiple illicit operations, securing the status of the planet as a criminal haven.
