Nar Shaddaa

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Nar Shaddaa
System Y`toub
Sector Hutt Space
Galactic Coordinates (325, -20)
System Coordinates (8, 4)
Astrographic Entry Nar Shaddaa
Type Moon
Primary Terrain: Rock
Rotational Period 87 standard hours[1]
Orbital Period 413 standard days[1]
Population 3,908,469 inhabitants
Controlled By Eidola Pirates
Governor Eidola Pirates
Magistrate Jax Starblade


The ungoverned Smugglers Moon orbiting Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa is completely covered by interlocking spaceport facilities and miles-high docking towers[1]. The all-covering "vertical city" was built over thousands of years, and is protected by often-malfunctioning planetary shields. Though it was once a glorious world of bustling, legitimate trade, Nar Shaddaa quickly lost prestige as the hyperspace trade lanes shifted away. Now quite distant from most galactic commercial centers, Nar Shaddaa is typically allowed to run its own affairs with little outside interference. Nar Shaddaa is controlled by Hutts and assorted "smuggling guilds" who control various sections of the moon. It is now widely regarded as the center of smuggling operations in the known galaxy, and the pollution, decay, and lawlessness associated with smuggling traffic run rampant on the moon. Sections of its maze-like city include the Duros Quarter and the Corellian Quarter, which contains three bars popular with bounty hunters: The Burning Deck, The Slag Pit, and The Meltdown Cafe, and another corner tavern called The Orange Lady. Most of the planet's inhabitants live in the highest levels of the spaceport-cities. Nar Shaddaa was originally given to the displaced Evocii as a new homeworld, after the Hutts forced the species from Nal Hutta. The Hutts continued to exploit the Evocii in their new home, buying up their land and using them as cheap labour. Now their forgotten, inbred descendants can be found inhabiting the lowest levels of the vertical city[1].
