Nayla Kaui

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Nayla Kaui
Biographical Information
Race Human
Homeworld Thyferra
House House of Kaui
Marital Status Single
Born Y-6 D222
Languages Galactic Basic
Religion Orthodox
Physical Description
Gender Female
Height 1.70 m
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Light Brown
Political Information
Affiliation Freelance


Nayla Kaui is a young female human from Thyferra. Brought up around medicine and manufacturing, she has entered the galaxy to attempt to use her skills for the betterment of sentients everywhere and to profit herself. However, the expanses of the galaxy are cruel, and unkind to wanderers, so she must also face the challenges and evils the galaxy contains.


Nayla grew up a farmer. Her father, Yonas Kaui, was an alazhi farmer, and her mother,Nubian Agya Kaui, was a pharmaceutical researcher in the nearby town. This exposure to both medicine and farming at an early age would shape Nayla's mindset on life. Often she would accompany her mother to work when she was of age to do so. This enabled Nayla to learn the basics of science and medicine. However, her largest interest was the spaceport next to her mother's lab. The sight of the ships coming in and out all day, created a burning desire in Nayla to reach forth for the stars. She devoured every scrap of piloting literature she could find. This desire for the stars, exaggerated her already tomboyish traits. She refused to do any dressing up, sticking to a simple floral colored dress, nor did she do any hair styling for her raven hair, or cosmetics for her face. As she grew older, she learned she could combine her two passions: medicine and flying, by piloting a hospital ship. Determined to pursue both of her loves, Nayla entered the Medical University of Thyferra, while also pursuing flight school in the summers. After four years of intensive training, Nayla graduated with highest honors as a Pharmaceutical Technician. Immediately out of college, she stepped into a new role as a Pharmaceutical Technician aboard the XUC Blue Moon, a Sprint Class Rescue craft operated by Xucphra Corporation .

The Blue Moon

Nayla spent several months in training aboard the Blue Moon. Her mother had come out of semi-retirement to mentor her daughter for a while, before permitting her to make her own way for Xucphra. Nayla excelled at her new job, having little need for her mother's mentor-ship. However, her mother determined to stay on until Nayla's first mission was completed. It turned out to be a momentous decision. The Blue Moon was dispatched to Argai, to aid a humanitarian effort ongoing there after a volcanic eruption displaced millions of sentients. The mission was completed with no issues. However, on the way back to Thyferra, disaster struck.

The Blue Moon was hit by an ion charge, seriously damaging the hyper drive, and causing fires throughout the small ship. Nayla's mother was desperately wounded by shrapnel from the blast. The Blue Moon was dead in space, which was exactly what the raiders wanted. Led by a male Devaronian, the raiders boarded the Blue Moon. The few crew members with weapons attempted to repel the pirates but the pure weight of fire power was too much. Nayla was horribly wounded, the Blue Moon was looted, and left to burn. Had it burned in space, Nayla would have perished. However, fortunately for her, the ship's engine had sustained so much damage that they could not keep the damaged Blue Moon in orbit. The ship crash landed in the deserts of Argai. It was three days before help reached the ship. During that time, the majority of the few crew that survived the attack and crash perished from the heat, and their wounds. Nayla was one of a mere five who survived and one of two who was not permanently disabled. Her mother, however, perished in the attack. It took months for Nayla to recover.


The one thing Nayla could remember from her ordeal was the name given by the raiders to their male Devaronian leader: Luum. This name lead her to a member of the Xucphra Corporation, who was believed to be building his own organization within Xucphra for a possible takeover. Rather than risk igniting a civil war among it's members, Xucphra chose instead to disbelieve Nayla's story and released her from her contract. Shortly thereafter, Nayla's father was brutally gunned down in the street. Fearing for her own life, Nayla took the the skies in her personal ship and set out in search of the truth, and her own destiny.