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System Neimoidia
Sector Coruscant (Sector)
Galactic Coordinates (74, -7)
System Coordinates (2, 8)
Astrographic Entry
Type temperate/breathable
Primary Terrain: desert, rock, ocean, glacier
Rotational Period 29 standard hours [1]
Orbital Period 221 standard days [1]
Population 183,172,650 inhabitants
Controlled By Galactic Empire
Governor Grand Moff Orphaea Imperium
Magistrate Director Azhrarn Amaratha
Sentient Races Neimoidian


Many millennia ago, the planet of Neimoidia was a planet of many and varied resources. It was originally settled 25,000 years ago by a group of Duros colonists. Three thousand years after the colonization, a pair of stray comets struck the Eastern continent. This collision resulted in years of disastrous seismic activities which shifted the rotation of the planet and razed much of the planetary surface, leaving the much of the landscape barren and useless.

Millions of Duros died during this period. Those that remained faced an everyday struggle to eke out a living from the few resources which remained. The extreme scarcity of resources on Neimoidia was the largest contributing factor to the evolution of the Neimoidians as a race obsessed with gaining material possessions.

The planet of Neimoidia saw its greatest prosperity during the final millennia of the Galactic Republic. The proximity to Coruscant and other galactic trading centers made it an ideal base of operations for the many who wished to stage their dealings away from a watchful eye, but near enough to exert influence.


Neimoidia was known for its manax tree orchards and fungus farms, tended by harvester beetles. Such orchards and farms, as well as the beetles, were established on all the purse worlds. Other known native species include: Mistfly, Neekoflights, Pylat bird. [1]


This planet, also called Pure Neimoidia to distinguish it from other Neimoidian purse worlds, was colonized by Duros twenty-five thousand years ago. By 15,000 BCGT, the inhabitants had evolved to the point when they could be considered a separate species from their Duros ancestors. The genetic differences from the Duros that the Neimoidians developed were attributed the features of the planet, including its heavier gravity, dimmer sun, humidity, and perpetual fog and mist. [1]

Neimoidia was ruled by a Trade Monarch, reflecting the Neimoidian's obsession with trade, commerce, and money. That was also present in the Neimoidian Inner Circle, the government/legislature of the planet. The Neimoidians established purse worlds on nearby Cato Neimoidia, Deko Neimoidia, and Koru Neimoidia. Neimoidia was populated by the less capable and aggressive members of the species, all others moving off-world as soon as possible. Many low-level worker drones were kept malnourished so as to never reach full mental maturity. Combined with the planet's natural unpleasantness, it was usual for Neimoidians to choose not to return home unless absolutely necessary.

By 4,800 BCGT, the Neimoidians locked up the distribution rights of newly-discovered ryll spice from Ryloth. Their irresponsible distribution of this drug led to the Gank Massacres, including the extinction of the Porporites. [1]

The Neimoidians helped found the Trade Federation three hundred and fifty years ago as a cartel of merchants and businessmen, although their defense force may have been some centuries older. [1]

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