OOC:Mindabaal League Charter

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Affirming the basic sentient rights of all individuals throughout the galaxy.

Recognizing no one is more important to the cultural heritage, smooth operation, wealth and success of our governed worlds than the people who comprise their population.

Accepting that the movement of goods is required for a healthy economy.

Realizing that ongoing prosperity is a product of hard work and a common vision.

Calls upon the Mindabaal League — the foundations of which lie in the aspirations of the late Kathol Republic, the extolment of commerce, technology, and industry of M-Incorporated, and The New Order's philosophy of freedom — to be a union of Sentients to further the growth and development of the many planets which have invited the League into working relationships.

The Charter of the Mindabaal League is sworn into law this day, 24 Kelona, Year 12, by each of the signees as a representative of their constituents to lay the foundation for such freedom, for such hope, to become a safe haven and to ensure the protection and welfare of it's members.


Article 01 The head of the Mindabaal League is the Chairman of the Board of Directors. §1 The Chairman [and/or Vice Chairman] may maintain his current position in addition to his duties as Chairman or he may step down and still maintain his standing on the Board of Directors for the duration of his term. §2 The Chairman of the board represents the League in political and diplomatic situations and his signature carries the authority of all league factions on behalf of the League for the purposes of signing diplomatic treaties and other documents that have been approved by the Board of Directors. §3 The Chairman is the executive force of the League. It is his privilege and responsibility to enforce all decisions made by the Board of Directors

Article 02 The Chairman must have held a position on the Board of Directors for no less than 1 Year (CGT) and can only hold the position if elected [3/4 majority] by the Board of Directors. §1 A Vice Chairman is to be elected from the League membership at the same time as the Chairman [also by a 3/4 vote] and will act as an assistant to the Chairman for the duration of his term. The Vice Chairman will act as temporary Chairman in the event the Chairman is indisposed until such a time as the Chairman has recovered or a new Chairman is appointed. The Vice chairman will also serve as the head of the League Trade Archive for the duration of his term. §2 The voting for the election of Chairman shall take place during the fifth week of Kelona each year; the voting for the election of Vice Chairman shall take place during the sixth week of Kelona each year. The Chairman's [And vice chairman's] term in office is 1 Year (CGT) unless one of the following things happen: • The Chairman stands down from office, • The Chairman is elected out of office by the Board of Directors [Vote of No Confidence] (Failure to stand down will result in aggressive action being taken against the Chairman) • The Chairman dies.

Article 04 The Board of Directors will legislate all areas regarding the league and its members, including, but not limited to, Legislative, Judicial, Internal, External, Financial, and Industrial Affairs. All decisions are binding and must be passed by a 3/4 vote. §1 The penalties for a faction which disobeys a decision by the Board of Directors, directly or indirectly, include the possibility of sanctions placed upon it by the League ranging from an embargo on discounted prices and similar support from the League to (in extreme cases) expulsion from the League. §2 The exception to the 3/4 vote clause is that to admit a new member faction requires a unanimous decision by the Board of Directors

Article 05 The Board of Directors consists of 2 representatives of each member faction (The Faction Leader and one other representative, typically the 2IC). §1 Both representatives will have the authority to vote on behalf of the member faction. Excepting matters of security and defense and other special items which require certain discretion, The Board is open for comments from all League members. §2 The Chairman is a member of the Board of Directors regardless of his status as a faction leader/2IC and must abstain should a vote of no-confidence be called in his leadership. §3 The Vice Chairman is a member of the Board regardless of his status as a Faction Leader/2IC and must abstain should a vote of no-confidence be called in his leadership


Article 06 The people of the Mindabaal League have the right to freedom of speech.

Article 07 The people of the Mindabaal League have the right to freedom of thought.

Article 08 The people of the Mindabaal League have the right to freedom of religion.

Article 09 The people of the Mindabaal League have the right to freedom of the self.

Article 10 The people of the Mindabaal League have the right to freely trade with others. *Note: Except where overridden by Articles 17 & 19

Article 11 The people of the Mindabaal League have the right to confidence.

Article 12 The people of the Mindabaal League have the right of marriage.

Article 13 The people of the Mindabaal League have the right to good living conditions.

Article 14 The Mindabaal League has the right to discretion over its power for the sole purpose of protecting the security of the League.

Article 15 Excepting where the rights protected in this charter are infringed upon, The Mindabaal League recognizes the sovereignty of each legitimate government within its own territories.


Article 16 All Mindabaal League members are free to trade with anyone.

Article 17 Slavery (and related paraphernalia) is illegal throughout the Pimbrellan League.

Article 18 The Mindabaal League does not recognize Nova Crystals as a legitimate currency *Note: Individuals and Individual Factions are welcome to recognize and use Nova Crystals if they so desire.

Article 19 Affiliate corporations reserve the right to keep specific products within the League and not have them open to sale outside of the League. §1 All sales or purchases of restricted products made must be declared to the League Trade Archive in order to enforce this right.


Article 20 §1 The legal system of the Mindabaal League functions as a civil code as opposed to common law. As such, precedent is not part of the legal system.

Article 21 §1 All of the following crimes are considered minor crimes: • Theft • Threats • Hijacking • Trespassing • Burglary • Endangerment • Vandalism • Perjury • Conspiracy • Obstruction of Justice • Any accessory to these crimes.

§2 Crimes of this nature are punishable by any combination of the following: • Imprisonment for up to one year • Fines • Confiscation of property • House arrest • Community service • Expulsion • Placement of restrictions upon rights and liberties

Article 22 §1 All of the following crimes are considered violent crimes: • Manslaughter • Assault • Robbery • Extortion • Attempted murder • All minor crimes while employing violent force or deadly weapon(s) • Any accessory to these crimes.

§2 Crimes of this nature are punishable by any combination of the following: • Imprisonment for up to 2 years • Life imprisonment • House arrest • Expulsion • Placement of restrictions upon rights and liberties • Penal labour

Article 23 §1 All of the following crimes are considered financial crimes: • Bribery • Financial fraud • Trade of restricted items • Embezzlement • Identify theft • Any accessory to these crimes §2 Crimes of this nature are punishable by any combination of the following: • Imprisonment for up to 1 year • House arrest • Fines • Confiscation of property • Community service • Expulsion • Placement of restrictions upon rights liberties

Article 24 §1 All of the following are considered to be major crimes: • Murder • Treason • Slavery • Espionage • Assaulting a Government Official [Government Official defined as a member of the Board, a officer of the court or an officer of the law] • Threatening a Government Official • Perverting the Political Process • Perverting the Course of Justice • any accessory to these crimes §2 Crimes of this nature are punishable by any combination of the following: • Imprisonment for up to 25 years • Life imprisonment • Placement of restrictions upon rights and liberties • Penal labour for up to 25 years §3 Crimes of this nature may also be punished by other means, exceeding those listed in this article, by a unanimous decision of the tribunal [A vote that will be made after, and separate of the vote on the matter of guilt].

Article 25 §1 Crimes committed whilst serving the sentence for a crime can receive up to double the punishment for the latest crime.

Article 26 §1 All suspects are innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Article 27 §1 All sentient individuals being prosecuted for crimes committed inside the Mindabaal League’s controlled space are entitled to a fair and proper trial. §2 A fair and proper trial is defined as one which grants the following: • the right to be heard by a competent and impartial tribunal • the right to a public hearing • the right to be heard within a reasonable time • the right to counsel • the right to interpretation • the right to be notified of charges in a timely manner • the right to adequate time and means for the preparation of a defense • the right not to incriminate oneself • the right of the accused to defend him or herself, or the right to a counsel chosen by the accused and the right to communicate privately with the counsel §3 The competent and impartial Tribunal shall be made up by three members of the Board of Directors, including the Chairman and Vice Chairman [Holding both a vote as a faction leader/second in command and (Vice) Chairman does not grant two votes] chosen at random, the exception being if one of the members is serving in another position in the trial (As part of the prosecuting party, the offended party,the defence or as the accused). §4 A verdict must be reached by an unanimous vote. If consent can not be reached, a retrial will be held and a new Tribunal shall be appointed chosen, as per §3 (with the exception that one can not be part of the Tribunal twice in the same trial). Retrials can be held up to a maximum of two times. If a lawful verdict is not reached after the second retrial, the accused is to be released and never tried again under those charges. In such an event the matter of guilt remains unsettled. §5 Any verdict can be appealed by the defendant within 3 weeks [15 Standard Galactic Days] of the final verdict being said forth, unless there is new evidence or information that may affect the outcome, in which case there is no time-limit for an appeal. For the purposes of appeal, multiple defendants shall be considered individual trials. §6 If an error is found or the new evidence that has been presented has proven to be substantial, the court may either declare the verdict invalid, sending it back to the first instance (allowing another appeal), adjust the verdict (making it final) or invalidate the verdict (setting the defendant free). §7 No person shall be subject for the same of fence to be twice put in jeopardy. [*Meaning they cannot be tried twice for the same offence]. Exceptions are available in the case of non-final judgements, fraudulent trials, or in the case of trials conducted outside the Mindabaal League. §8 The tribunal can dismiss a charge with a 3/4 majority vote. [Based on, for example, insignificant malignance of the committed offence] §9 No ex post facto law will be applied in a trial if it criminalizes something previously legal nor if it increases the severity of an existing crime's punishment in any way.

Article 28 §1 All League members arrested by foreign entities must be given a fair and proper trial, in accordance with the definition in Article 27 §2, or the arrest is to be considered a hostile action against the League and its members.

Article 29 §1 It is up to the arresting party in Violent or Major crimes to press charges [The United Militant Agency for Defense in most cases. The BoD also has the power to issue warrants and press charges, a 3/4 majority vote is required], or settle it out of court within the law. In minor and financial crimes, the wronged party may decide whether to press charges. The United Militant Agency for Defense will also appoint one of its members, or in conjunction with the BoD a member of the League, to prosecute the case on behalf of the League.

Article 30 §1 The United Militant Agency for Defense may issue warrants without approval from the Board of Directors, but must get the approval from the Board of Directors to hold any member of the Mindabaal League under arrest for more than 10 Standard Galactic Days.

Article 31 Definition of crimes: §1 Hijacking - Unlawful seizure of a vehicle, ship, or other entity. §2 Trespassing - Intentionally enter the property (Building, Ship, Land) owned by another without permission. §3 Endangerment - Intentionally putting someone else, or someone else's property, in danger of harm or death. §4 Conspiracy - Making an agreement between two or more persons to break the law at some time in the future. §5 Obstruction of Justice - Intentionally interfere with the work of law enforcement or other investigators during a criminal investigation. §6 Perverting the Political Process - Hindering the Political Process by illicit means [Example: Intimidating or threatening a voting or influential member of the Process, such as a board member]. §7 Perverting the Course of Justice - Hindering the serving of Justice by illicit means [Examples: Interfering with evidence, fabricating evidence, intimidating or threatening a party in the trial] §8 Manslaughter - Taking the life of another sentient without the intent to kill. §9 Robbery - Taking the property of another, with the intent to permanently deprive the person of that property, by means of force or fear. §10 Trade of restricted items - Selling products restricted under Article 19 of the Mindabaal Charter to individuals or groups outside the Mindabaal League.

Article 32 Definition of punishments: §1 Imprisonment - confinement in a UMAD correction facility. §2 Fine - Financial punishment deducted from the offenders salary. §3 Confiscation of property - seizure of stolen goods in order to return them to their rightful owners or as a form of punishment. §4 House arrest - confinement to ones quarters or special high standard UMAD facilities. §5 Community service - light labour performed for the benefit of the Mindabaal League and its citizens. §6 Expulsion - exile from the League and it's space. §7 Placement of restrictions upon rights and liberties - temporary or permanent restrictions on the rights and liberties granted by Sections 2 and 3 of the League Charter. §8 Penal labour - heavy physical labour in special League facilities.


Article 33 In the event that the League is attacked by a foreign power or in the event of a major natural disaster or other equivalent destruction, the Board of Directors shall have the authority to call, by a 3/4 vote, a State of Emergency.

Article 34 A volunteer force, the League Defense Force (hereafter LDF), will be formed from the membership of the Mindabaal League and will be called to active service in the event a State of Emergency is called. §1 The budget for this defense force will be set by the Board of Directors by a 3/4 majority vote, and the cost will be fronted proportionally by all member factions of the League. §2 The budget set by the Board of Directors will be controlled by the President of UMAD, but any procurement of assets for which the fair market value, as determined by the League Trade Archive, exceeds 1,000,000 credits must be approved by the Board of Directors. §3 All materials will be distributed in ownership among the factions of the League proportionally (as set according to §1), as evenly as logistics allow. §4 Volunteers will be accepted at all times and are expected to serve a term of at least 90 days from the point of their acceptance into the force. §5 Volunteers who have served in excess of 90 days may retire with honour at any time, except during a State of Emergency.

Article 35 When a state of emergency is called, the Chairman of the Board gains the additional responsibility of being the acting commander-in-chief of the LDF. §1 The acting Leader over Mindabaal League Security will serve as Supreme Allied Commander of the LDF and have direct control over the LDF budget during peacetime (as outlined in article 34 §2)


On behalf of Drax Industries and its members:

Cipher Thorstein

On behalf of Uukaablis Trans-Systems and its members:

Sharad Waador

On behalf of Nakesh Alliance Extractions and its members:

Photino Friovor

On behalf of the United Militant Agency for Defense:

Jace Kavdar

On behalf of Freedom Galactic News and its members:

Foop Oplo