One pilgrimage ends, another begins...

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One pilgrimage ends, another begins... (Hacked by Damyo Kruder on Year 12 Day 170)

Year 12 of the Combine Galactic Time Calendar marks the end of another one of the many millennia of existence of the Var Kelen Empire, nowadays known as The Kelen Syndicate.

In the last seven years of the current millennia, it is known to everyone that the Empire has faced many difficulties that almost led it to extinction a few times. Such difficulties included death of prominent members, diplomatic and military incidents with diverse enemies, internal loots and other diverse setbacks.

Despite the precarious situation of the Syndicate and it's many internal factions, it is common belief for everyone that celebrations shall never be neglected. This said, and by decree of current Uruk'rah Damyo Kruder, a pilgrimage through the Galaxy has been scheduled.

The pilgrimage that all Kelen citizens and worshippers are called to participate in, shall take approximately a month and pass through locations of historical and religious importance to the Empire, such as the systems of Stic, Lorell, Duro, Klatooine, Nal Hutta, Roon, Shesharile, Tokmia, Vjun, Mordain, Vodrain and finally Utapau.

During the journey, all participants will be called into group praying sessions, historical tours, great feasts and cultural parties, among other activities the Uruk'rah prefers to detail only in place.

In the public released statement that followed the pilgrimage decree, Uruk'rah Kruder has also announced that under advice received from a vision of Kelen himself, he has decided to put an end to the Kelen Syndicate has an official Galactic Group.

This means that as soon the official decree of extinction is released, which should happen somewhere in the next days, all Kelen followers are released from their duties to the Syndicate and free to proceed with their lives as they see fit. The same decree expresses although that the citizens shall not leave their spiritual bonds to Kelen behind for as a god he his, he surpasses the existence of factions and the passing of millennia.

Sources close to the leadership ring of the Syndicate have indicated that after such a long and thorny time in front of the Empire, the leaders have decided they did not hold the necessarily mental and physical strengths to continue their work in the best manner, nor did they saw the same strength among the people.

They did not wish for the Empire and it's beliefs to disappear or die, but rather take an absence of indefinite time from the spotlights of the Galaxy.

In a quick remark prophesied in a public event he attended too, Ra`Zit Laiden has let known that wherever the Kelians are and whatever they will be doing, they shall always have an eye on Galactic Events and their connections to the Kelen will.

Onboard the Bayonet-class Light Cruiser KSMS The Untouchable in system Stic (399, 164).


One pilgrimage ends, another begins... on the Galactic News Service