Ord Mantell

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Ord Mantell
System Bright Jewel
Sector Bright Jewel
Galactic Coordinates (-5, 185)
System Coordinates (12, 8)
Astrographic Entry [1]
Type Temperate/breathable
Primary Terrain: Oceans, Jungles, Mountains, Forest, Glacier, Desert, Volcanic, Cave
Rotational Period
Orbital Period
Controlled By Quests
Magistrate Porgicorn Baugrems

Ord Mantell had closed itself off from the outside world during the years following the fall of the Old Republic and the rise of the Galactic Empire. It had remained in this state for nearly a generation.

On Year 21 Day 159 Porgicorn Baugrems, magistrate of Ord Mantell, announced that Bright Jewel Sector would host GalaxyFest. It was advertised as a Swap Meet like event that all the galaxy was invited to participate. The news of the announced gathering spread throughout the galaxy. Many greeted it with initial skepticism after all Ord Mantell had not involved itself in galactic affairs since the fall of the Old Republic.

However to assuage these fears Porgicorn Baugrems continued to release updates on the upcoming event. On Day 176 of Year 21 he announced a list of prizes. These prizes included evertying from Collosal Class Carriers, DP-20b Corellian Gunships, to X-45 Sniper Rifles. The biggest prizes though were the moons of Ord Mantell itself. There was something for everyone. Clearly meant to entice the galaxy to visit Ord Mantell for the upcoming event. The first mentioning of an approximate date was held this announcement.

On Day 202 Shilli Free Press visited Aleen to talk with various tribal chieftains who said they had no information regarding the location of the event and that it would not be upon Aleen.

On Day 203 he announced that the event would start Day 257 and last for two weeks. Shields would remain up on the planet and specially licensed shuttles would shuttle people from the Jubilee Wheel down to Ord Mantell for the event. Personal Guards, Battle Droids, and the like were forbidden from landing for the safety of all that would gather. It was in this announcement that Ord Mantell was revealed as the location. He announced hypercharts would update removing the restricted system designation that had prevented people from visiting the system since the rise of the Empire.

Around Day 233 the Hypercharts were updated and people would soon begin to arrive within the system. Thousands would attend the event which was by all reports a smashing success. After the close of the GalaxyFest Porgicon Baugrems lowered the planetary shields at last and opened the planet up to the galaxy at large.