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Pazaak is a Card Game for 2 Players.



Every Pazaak Player needs to have card decks. Once there is the basic one you get cheap all over Galaxy and everyone need to have it. It consist of each 4 cards in Value from +1 up to +10. So it's 40 Cards in total. Furthermore there is a side deck. While new Players just have some Bonus Cards(usually the Cards 1-6 in negative and positive value) to choose from, better players own much more expensive powerful Cards in their personal side deck.

Pazaak Cards

A List of Pazaak Cards avaiable for side deck in order of there Value:

  • (+1)up to(+6)
  • (-1)up to(-6)
  • (D):doubles the Value of last Card was drawed.
  • (2&4):multiply every 2 and 4 was played in that round yet with (-1)
  • (3&6):multiply every 3 and 6 was played in that round yet with (-1)
  • (±1) up to (±6): You can change value(+ or -) before use card. As smaller the number as more rare the card.
  • (±1T): Theoretical the same like (±1). Anyways if you play it as last card(include your opponent) it will break a tie and make you win.
  • (1±2): You can change value from (-2) to (+2) as whatever you like before use that card.


Before start every player need to create his sidecheck by choosing 10 Cards he own. When Game starts he get randomly 4 cards of that as side deck. Now every Player by turns draw 1 Card from his Ground Deck. Goal is to get exactly or close to +20 Points. Anyways you can use your Side Cards to manipulate your Value at every time. Additionally you have the option to play 9 cards consisting of basic and side deck and still stay below 20 to even beat 20 Points from opponent.


Early History

Already about year -4000 Pazaak was most popular game in Old Republic. Since Year 14 Pazaak becomes popular within Galaxy again and there are several Tournaments since them.

Hadrian Hawkes Tournament - Start of modern Pazaak Era

In Year 14 Hadrian Hawkes hosted the first public Pazaak Tournament of modern Times. It's considered the Start Point of the modern Pazaak Era since it was the base for Pazaak Community to meet and inspired the Participiant Michael Bourne to release his Tournament Series successional when Hadrian Hawkes didn't released another Tournament. There should be noted that there was some closed Tournaments before, but this Tournament was that one which first was public open and draw really attention. To Name an Example Tion Space happend Tournaments before whereTaranae Rhode made herself an Name by winning, but exactly Records for those are missing.

Michael Bourne's Tournaments

In Year 14 and Year 15 Michael Bourne hosted totally four Pazaak Tournaments named after him.

Michael Bourne's 1st Tournamnet

1st Tournamnet hosted by Michael Bourne was in Year 14. It was a 16 Participiant Knock-Out System and was won Taranae Rhode who beats Werda Mird in final and won a Medicae-class Nebulon-B Frigate.

Michael Bourne's 2nd Tournament

2nd Tournament was in Begin of Year 15. It was tried to change System to Leauge. Taranae Rhode wons a Kaloth BattleCruiser as first Place. There was no 2nd or 3rd Place.

Michael Bourne's 3rd Tournament

3rd Tournament was from Year 15, Day 231 till Day 235 in knock-out Style again.

The Starting Fee was 3.000.000 Credits for each Ticket.


"1. Firstly, that the tournament will be played in a knock-out style championship. All participants will be seeded in random positions... this means that is no guarantee if you will be placed against an easy or a hard opponent!

2. Unlimited entries may be bought, and I am willing to guarentee that for at least two of them you will not have to verses yourself unless both entries make it into the final! (In this case, you are declared the winner of 1st & 2nd place and recieve both prizes!)

3. Basic cards only - unless agreed upon by both opponents! This means those with more experience with the game will not recieve any unfair advantage over newbies. Smiley

4. In order to ensure that the competition advances successfully, I will allow each match a total of 1 week for every game that needs to be played to be resolved. Both players must make a fair and equitable attempt to meet online at a mutually agreeable time. If a time cannot be worked out you may both opt to verse me or a neutral player in which case you will be ranked according to [Games Won], [Rounds Won] (best out of 5).

5. A player may be disqualified for any of the following reasons; unsportsmanlike behaviour, not being able to or not being willing to sort out a time to meet either your opponent or myself. This includes being too inflexible so that a mutually agreeable time cannot be found."

Quote from Michael Bourne in Anouncement of rules for his 3rd Pazaak Tournament in Holonet.

Tournament Brackets

Michael Bourne's 4th Tournament

This Tournament was started at Year 15, Day 336. It was Knock-Out Style with Entry Fee of 3.000.000 Credits/Ticket again. Werda Mird won a Corona-class frigate as first Place of this Tournament. Second one a full Squad(16) of B1-Battle Droids. And 3rd Place receive a Sprint-class rescue craft and two A-280 Sniper Rifles. Records for 2nd and 3rd Place including actual Brackets are missing.

Uli Swap Meet Pazaak Tournaments

Fourth Uli Swap Meet Pazaak Tournament

In the Meantime of the Fourth Uli Swap Meet Zorix Zoff organised a Pazaak Tournament as Part of the Galactic Games during this Event. The Tounament started simultaneously with the Swap Meet at Day 285 in Year 18. Lasting intendetly until Day 301.


  • Casten Maziel Waryn won $35 million credits + a custom Pazaak Table as 1st Place
  • Werda Mird won $5 million credits + a Sprint Shuttle loaded with seven A280 Rifles ($25 million total value at Centrepoint Average on Tournament Start)
  • The 3rd Place won $10 million credits

Due to the Sponsorship of Black Sun and Derycke Enterprises the possible Prices to gain was noticable higher then it would be possible just by the 2 Million Entry Fee the 16 Contestants paid.


The Ruleset for this Tournament was defined as following:

1 - Once all 16 contestants are locked in, the names will be seeded randomly to determine the matchups for the first leg of the competition. Games are to be played using a basic card deck unless agreed upon otherwise by both opponents. A best-of-three games system will be used to determine a winner unless agreed upon otherwise by both opponents.

2 - In order to ensure that the competition advances successfully, I will allow each match a total of 3 days for every game that needs to be played to be resolved. Both players must make a fair and reasonable attempt to meet online at a mutually agreeable time. If a time cannot be worked out you may both opt to play against myself or a neutral player in which case you will be ranked according to [Games Won], [Rounds Won] (best out of 5).

3 - A player may be disqualified for any of the following reasons: unsportsmanlike behaviour, not being able to or not being willing to sort out a time to meet either an opponent or myself. This includes being too inflexible so that a mutually agreeable time cannot be found.

Tournament Brackets

Popular Pazaak Player past last Pazaak Boom in Year 14


[1] - a popular Pazaak Cantina in Holonet.

[2] - Michael Bournes 3rd Pazaak Tournament Holonet Entry.

[3] - Michael Bournes 4th Pazaak Tournament Holonet Entry.

[4] - Fourth Uli Swap Meet Pazaak Tournament Holonet Entry.