Press Release by the Infinite Innovations Corporation

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Posted by Michael Townsend on Year 0 Day 0

Onboard the YT-510 Skeltar in system Tandell

This news agency has received a communique today from Michael Townsend, CEO of Infinite Innovations Incorporated; a nationalized corporaiton of the Galactic Empire. The statement was given in support of the Empire's actions at the Beta system and condemned its enemies.

"It is not my concern that either 1.5 or 1.5 billion falleen are dead today. It is my concern that the Empire has indeed been victorious and that...forces..that oppose Imperial rule have been defeated." Townsend wrote in the statement addressed to all news sources.

"Common sense does, however tell me that it is impossible for the Falleen to have evacuated over 100 million beings from the system that came under blockade some weeks ago."

"I have no doubt whatsoever that the three jedi at Beta used the force to their utmost against the Imperial Forces. I have no doubt whatsoever that the three jedi used every power and trick that they would conjur against us. To that effect, I agree with Bisz. However, agreeing that this is a true statement also involves admitting, while yes, the Jedi used all of their power, that the Sith oposing them were far stronger and more powerful. Bisz admits that the Jedi were eventually forced to retreat. I am already far convinced of the immense power of the dark side of the force, but let this incident serve as proof to all of you that the Dark Side is indeed the true power in this galaxy! With the Falleen beaten back, I have no doubt that the rebels and their jedi lapdogs can't be too far behind."

"And dare I say that the Imperial victory has much to do with the weapons that they used at Beta! Bravo to the brave Imperial forces at Beta using weaponry produced for them by Infinite Innovations Incorporated! Infinite Innovations, the guts, the glory, the guns."