Public Service Announcement

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Posted by Kilian Delmarco on Year 15 Day 12
Onboard the Modular Taskforce Cruiser Destiny Pillar in system Marasa (144, 31).

Case: Good morning, Sullivan Case here. Please forgive us for our lack of visuals. We're having some issues with our monitors that we hope to have fixed soon. Last time we brought you news about a race of beings that burst onto the galactic scene, filling those who saw them with the hope of something better in the galaxy. Once considered angels, the beings were exposed to be nothing more than hosts to a symbiotic parasite. More recently, a new race, Togorian, has been discovered and seems to have claimed a part of the Diathim race as well as others. We have a geneticist with us this morning, Dr. Gray Riesling. Dr. Riesling has been monitoring some of the mutated Diathim since their change. His results are shocking and slightly astounding. Doctor, what have you learned?

Riesling: I've learned that my patients didn't take too well to learning that they were covered with bugs. As a result, many of them have been driven to do strange things.

Case: Strange things?

Riesling: Suicides, trying to peel the bugs off manually, things like this. Keep in mind though, this is a small minority. A few seem to be stable. The others have changed completely.

Case: What were these beings coming to you for in the first place, Doctor?

Riesling: They came to me seeing if there was a way to reverse their condition. We were conducting lots of tests; unfortunately, I have yet to find a way to change them to their old selves. But we did find something interesting in terms of their genetic makeup.

Case: Oh?

Riesling: Common knowledge tells us that everyone has DNA and that one's DNA is coded in a specific way. It holds directions. Directions that partially shapes one's experiences, life choices, everything. What if something showed up and began giving your body wrong directions. I believe that is what is happening to many of these new altered Humanoids. The Derra Virus attacked their immune systems with such ferocity that it was able to destroy some of their genetic structure and rework it to change into something else.

We have come across many variations of this virus and altered Humanoid. Some species with obviously weaker immune systems have changed race entirely. We call these level 4 Humanoids. The most extreme cases. Then we have the Level 3s. In the case of Diathim, this might mean missing wings or lacking a glow. Almost complete change, but with minor differences. Level 2s would be keeping the same physical appearance but with a majority of the abilities that the race has. Level 1 is basically no change or with some minor ability. Maybe being able to glow while in a dark room. We had thought that perhaps that would be the end and that once you changed, you would not be able to again. It seems we were wrong and have now come across a level 5 AH.

Case: AH? Altered Humanoid I'm guessing?

Riesling: Correct. These beings seem to have no resistance to the Derra virus at all, and change race whenever they are introduced to one they have not come in contact with before. You mentioned Togorian in the beginning. One of my interns had stumbled into one, it was surrounded by people and he was trying to get through. My guess is that some of its hair must have stuck to him and he brought it back to the lab. Some of our, what we considered Level 4 and steady Diathim, became exposed to the hair. How, we are unsure, but we have established new bio-hazard protocols for this sort of thing. In the end several of them changed completely. This started a chain reaction, leading to many who had not been previously changed to become Togorian, as well as changing many of the Diathim all the way down to level 2. Level 2s are the only ones that we allow to stay in the facility. I'm afraid we have a pandemic on our hands. It is beginning to seem like those who were initially exposed, or who went through the first phase of changes have developed a type of genetic auto-immune disease.

Case: That is quite serious, Doctor. Is there any way to stop or even slow the Derra virus?

Riesling: None that we have come across or that are practical. I have heard of people taking long bacta baths to combat the changes or who are rich enough to keep the disease at bay by having their own medical team come up with a treatment, but neither of these can help those who can't afford it, especially in this time of constant economic inflation.

Case: What can the rest of us do to keep ourselves safe from this?

Riesling: Find a god that suits you and pray. You are either immune to the virus or you aren't. Of course you could buy yourself a full body suit or never go outside. The virus can only travel from one person to another through direct contact or being introduced to a new species. And when I say direct contact, I'm including body fluids, skin cells, anything. I would hold off having any dinner parties or any sort of odd, amorous activities any time soon until a vaccine can be created. And please, if you can, get yourself tested.

Case: Erm..Thank you Dr. Riesling. You heard it folks. Make sure to use caution while traveling outside and get yourself checked out. This is Sullivan Case for NOVAcom; safe travels.