Raan Avidius
Raan Avidius | |
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Biographical Information | |
Race | Alderanian |
Homeworld | Classified |
Mother | Catalina Avidius |
Father | Gabriel Avidius |
Spouse | None |
Siblings | Classified |
Children | Unknown |
Born | Year -17, Day 187 |
Physical Description | |
Gender | Male |
Political Information | |
Affiliation | Confederacy of Independent Systems |
Positions | Admiral |
Raan Avidius has been in various stages of his life a businessman,& soldier; having served in the Pentastar Patrol as High Field Marshall, the senior Military Officer, & CEO of Avidius Shipyards. Currently he serves as Admiral of the CIS Military.
A prominent yet enigmatic figure, with personal motives and passions unclear to all; the man shows very little interest in concerning himself with the squabbles and power struggles over greater galactic politics so common among his people, instead focusing his influence on Military & Production functions. He is at times a rather hard man, expecting his junior Officer's to act with the highest degree of professionalism, Integrity, Honor, & Loyalty; he is at times quick to punish those who do not meet his expectations, and those who repeatedly fail him.
Warrior & Philosopher
Upon ascension to High Command, and bringing about the creation of the Shadowy organization referred to as Enforcement within the CIS, Raan took to holding up within his Head Quarters within the Capital City. There surrounded by countless numbers of like minded followers he built a power base. As several officials became prominent within the CIS, not only for their advisory roles to the Admiral but because of their service to Enforcement, via apprehension on would be terrorists.
As Raan entrusted the working order to his junior Officers within Enforcement, Raan began his private Doctrine, which many believe Enforcement uses as the "focal point" of their training. While the Directorate denies the accusations, no member of the Enforcement has been known to allow captors take them alive - but rather commit suicide in acts of loyalty to the state.
There are several Generations of War, which our society as a whole has failed to comprehend in previous engagements; our brute strength has cost us the support at times with Civilians. Our Cordon & Search tactics, invading homes for Insurgents and Malcontents has caused governments throughout time and space to lose through attrition. Before one can truly understand the Art of War, one must understand the Generations of War; which takes us back hundreds of thousands of years, to a time before space travel. - Raan Avidius on his Letter Regarding: The Generations of War
Early Known History & Service to The Alignment
(For IC history purposes these events did not take place in darkness) Little is known of Avidius, at a young age he distinguished himself from his peers taking to the study of military histories and quickly enrolled into the Pentastar War Academy graduating at a surprisingly low ranking as 329th of 739 graduates, upon receiving his Commission as an Ensign he was awarded a Corvette as a vessel and began his tour of service. On the fringes of known space, Ensign Avidius commanded an CR-90 and an half a squad of Y-Wings, combing the systems searching for planets habitable for life. It was on this trip that Raan encountered a pirate force using scavenged parts of an Interdictor, the force quickly destroyed his fighter escort & forced a landing on the damaged CR-90. The forces on the CR-90 fought bravely holding the pirates back, eventually the Ensign ordered his troops to abandon ship and was forced to scuttle the vessel destroying much of the crew he served with and destroying the pirate assault force. Sometime later an Alignment Quick Response Force arrived to find survivors, Raan among them. Little of his career is known beyond this.
The Avidius Palace

The Avidius Palace, was built atop the Mountain of Kar`arad`ukuhm, and there it rested for several thousand years. Until around Year 9 in our reckoning the young lordling Raan Avidius; ordered the construction of the fortress that would be referred to by the people of the Palace as: Alaz`darem. Within its halls the young man took up his reign over his families’ holdings, it was there he gathered would be usurpers to his family estate and made his declaration of intention to take over the Avidius Family. After ensuring his ascension he declared himself Baron and returned to his military duties off world, leaving the rule of the Palace and its small city to his faithful servant, and Steward, Aszara Korisi`vi, a Chiss female, whom the city referred to as simply; The Blue One. It was during this time that Raan travelled unhindered as a Naval Officer for the Alignment, using resources to his own means he checked on his Reaper Trooper training sites around the galaxy, never trusting those who served him outside his Fortress.
During his time and travels Raan visited the Fortress as often as he could; his lifelong friend Aszara was more to him than a Steward. As the relationship continued to blossom they together conceived a child; sometime during Year 12 unbeknownst to Raan. Aszara confident that Raan would forsake his off world duties kept the child secret from him insisting he not return until she finished her secret project referred to as “The Exodus”. Raan knew nothing of project beyond its development of advanced cybernetic operations by a Chiss scientist that Aszara had contracted. As the pregnancy becomes more developed she began experiencing birth issues and, had a miscarriage. The doctors were forced to operate to attempt to save her; however she suffered physical trauma causing her to succumb to mortal wounds. The House staff summoned Raan who quickly returned to his Fortress to meet his still born child and dying lover. After the burial deep within the Ice Mountains, Raan vowed to seal the caverns she and the child were laid in. And so he had his men bring him gear and explosives and placed the charges himself, ensuring the tomb would never again be opened. Sorrow filled Raan left the duties of care taker to his Advanced Battle Droid known as Kixer, and returned to the fleet he served in; filled with anger and a desire for order he created a set of military protocol that greatly impacted the organization of the Alignment. It was during his travels to several worlds he realized that, the death of his lover and child were not something he could prevent and he willingly accepted the lose and moved on with his career and plans. All the while the Doctor continued his work under the supervision of Kixer within the deeps of Alaz`darem.
She was, more than a Steward, she would have been my wife, if I had known. - At the Burial
The Avidius Homeworld

The Home World to the Avidius family is nestled deep within an asteroid belt, with several moons orbiting the Ice World, the system is generally inhabited by a hardy people, due the planetary and moon bodies being covered in Ice.
The Alignment
From the bridge of his Medical Class Nebulon B-Fridate Admiral Avidius was not only transferred to the Army, but made High Field Marshall over all, Military Forces, he was the driving force of the modernization, training and organization of The Pentastar Alignment. Due to his requests of the Moff Council he was able to bring about massive changes for the fledgling group, these changes came about to be protocols and laws in full effect within the Alignment used still today. After a short time as High Field Marshall he resigned to follow personal goals.
(Under Construction)

Raan made use of his time within The Alignment to secure several friendships and prove his military ability, eventually making himself known and useful to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. After a brief time watching political agendas unfold Raan made the choice to join the CIS and took the mantle as a Admiral creating the military protocols used there today. Raan began to frequently begin wearing his armor during this stage of his career.
Since his taking the role of Admiral within the Confederacy of Independent Systems; Raan has been known to not only become a stern and straightforward as a Commander, but also fair and rather amusing. His expectations not only as a member of High Command for the Officers, and Enlisted members within the Confederacy of Independent Systems has led to massive improvements of basic soldiering. As the soldiers beneath him under-go the massive changes both morally and ethically, they begin to carry themselves in a professional manner; instilling the perspective of a civilized culture that the Confederacy of Independent Systems is attempting to build.
Personal Guard

Raan's personal guard are known to have under gone brutal training; physically, emotionally and mentally. They all are found to be at least ten years younger than him, leading the common belief they were rounded up by his House and sent to a undisclosed training site; where they were raised as siblings in groups of three to five members; and when the time came for their trials they were dropped off on Derra IV around the time of the Virus Outbreak. They were all altered in ways many cannot fathom; they have become brutal, and obedient only to him.As they slaughtered each other and would be enemies they were sent images of their teachers slaughtered by battle droid legions, causing them to lose the people they had come to view as parents, be lost to them.
When ordered to return to the service of their Liege Lord they complied, assuring Raan that his plans not only were a success but that; his forces were as loyal to him, as Storm Troopers are to the service of their Emperor. He subsequently dubbed them "The Reaper Troopers". And ordered them to guard the Avidius Palace, as well as the Enforcement Office's Directorate Headquarters.
"They had to be bereft of friends, of relatives, of teachers and knowledge and everything that could help them. They were reduced to nothing—or rather, to themselves only. And with everything else having failed them, they had no choice but, to choose and to act. Therefore they killed, with savage brutality not because they were brutal, but rather their will, their desire to live; far outweighed the value of life of those around them." - Raan on the training of his Personal Guard
- High Field Marshall of The Pentastar Alignment (as of Year 13, Day 286)
- Admiral within the Confederacy of Independent Systems
High Field Marshall - Pentastar Alignment | ||
Preceded By: None |
Raan Avidius Year 13 Day 286 - 355 |
Succeeded By: Unknown |
Admiral - CIS | ||
Preceded By: None |
Raan Avidius Year 13 Day 359 - Current |
Succeeded By: Incumbent |
Baron of House Thridius & the Avidius Family | ||
Preceded By: Kelorit Avidius |
Raan Avidius Year 10 Day 127 |
Succeeded By: |
- Basic Training [BT]
- Distinguished Service Medal [DSM]
- Confederate Commanders Badge [CCB]
- Iron Cross - First Class [IC-FC] - Posthumously