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Posted by Orion Silverhelm on Year 5 Day 328

Onboard the YT-2000 Orions Belt in system Kir.

A SEMINc Reporter appears on the scene of a Public Announcement set today by Chairman Orion Silverhelm of Myorzo Corporation.

The older gentleman appears before the camera with a determined look and seems to be in quite the hurry.

"Gentlebeings of the Galaxy, I would like to put forth the reiteration of two things that may have been forgotten over the past weeks. Especially after the unfortunate turn of events which seems to have plagued the Galactic News Network of Holo Beacons.

One. Teniel Djo is a thief, and is not to be trusted. This includes any employees of Eidola or subsidiaries owned by her or her allies. Teniel, if your watching, I still enjoy our talks, and some of what you do is noble, but alas, this will turn into a weekly warning for all those too ignorant to learn from others or from their own runins with you and merry men.

Two. Adam A. Flynn is a thief, and is not to be trusted. I dont include all employees or allies in his case, for they may not know that he is evil in so many ways incarnate. If you are watching, beware, and dont let him too close. He is no friend of anyones and is only out for one person, himself.

Thank you for your time."

Leaving the public relations podium outside the myorzo corp headquarters, the Chairman is seen leaving back into the building.

Thats it for the late breaking news from Myorzo Corp.

Now back to pre-race coverage of the Kessel Run, brough to you by SEMINc a proud subsidiary Myorzo Corp.

SEMINc, Entertainment at your fingertips.