Rieth Toran

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Rieth Toran
Biographical Information
Race Corellian
Homeworld Corellia
Mother Auriel Toran
Father Barath Toran
Marital Status unknown
Siblings none
Born Year -11D284
Physical Description
Gender male
Height 1.85 m
Political Information
Affiliation Smugglers Guild
Rank Second in Command
Positions Master Smuggler

Rieth Toran is the Second in Command (2IC) of the Smugglers Guild. He is a known trader for all kinds of goods, as an experienced prospector, and a Force-sensitive Grand Master.


Early Years

Rieth was born and raised on the planet Corellia. His parents both worked in the local customs office of Kor Vella, providing the family a relatively safe environment. Rieth enjoyed wandering the starport, watching the various fighters and freighters arrive and depart from the planet. The bustling atmosphere and the diverse crowd of people fascinated him. For him it was clear: he wanted to become a pilot to explore the galaxy and visit all the worlds he could. As a result, he underwent training at the local Imperial Navy Academy in hopes of getting an exciting assignment in the Imperial Navy. Overall, Rieth was a mediocre student but excelled at flying fighters and smaller craft during training. As a tech in the academy, Rieth was able to improve his computer operation skills. Throughout the years, Rieth felt that the military discipline of the Galactic Empire and the structured life felt like a cage. It was not the destiny he was looking for. During one of his visits at the starport, he met up with a group of traders who were working on a freighter. Rieth was able to convince them of his piloting skills when they allowed him to support them for an in-system transportation job. As the group grew closer together, Rieth decided to leave the academy before graduating and join his new friends on their next assignment. In Year 8 he left Corellia and became navigator on their YT-1300 freighter.

Exploring the Galaxy

Rieth's crew traveled throughout the galaxy, taking odd jobs to earn credits while visiting an innumerable number of planets. During this time, Rieth was able to see the vast dune seas and twin suns of Tatooine. He explored the harsh environment of the rocky planet Iridonia and gazed at the giant wroshyr trees on the jungle planet Kashyyyk. These galactic missions put he and his crew in touch with some dubious folks.

The Hook Nebula Incident

Those sketchy individulas offered the crew a transportation job to the Hook Nebula. The contents of the cargo were not disclosed, but they were offered a large sum of credits for successfully completing the task. Short on credits and inexperienced, the crew accepted blindly, hoping to earn a fortune. The delivery went smoothly and Rieth started to unload the cargo into the ship which was located at the rendezvous. During the transfer, the freighter was attacked by a group of local bandits who were looking to steal the cargo. Rieth was only able to watch the battle between his crew on their freighter and the fighter ships of the bandits unfold. Even though they tried to evade and return fire, it was instantly clear that the freighters firepower was no match for the bandit fighters. Rieth watched as the bandits destroyed his friends ship killing everyone on board. As the pirates boarded the ship, they took the cargo and captured Rieth, taking him hostage. In the following days Rieth was severely beaten by his captors. They were looking for information on the employer. Since Rieth did not know much about them, the pirates decided to execute Rieth. Shortly before performing the deed, their ship was attacked by a group of mercenaries who were hired to protect their employer's hyperlane routes. It was only by sheer luck that Rieth was able to escape from his captors and drag himself on board a heavily damaged YT-1210 freighter and fleeing the scene. After several days of healing and grieving his friends, Rieth was unsure what to do in the galaxy.

Freighter being attacked by pirates.

Finding a New Purpose

Months passed by as Rieth traveled aimlessly. He eventually found himslef in the cantinas of Nal Hutta. In need of credits, Rieth decided to answer the call of an organization who was looking for anyone able to prospect planets in search of valuable resources. Although being inexperienced, he was able to operate different kinds of machinery. His computer operations skills from the past could finally be put to good use. Rieth was sitting in SX-65 Groundhogs for months prospecting all kinds of environments ranging from desert to glacier and grassland to jungles. It was a tedious job, but his employers paid well. While preparing for another prospecting mission on the planet Lamuir IV, Rieth was contacted by the notorious smuggler Metuki Ryuujin. He was interested in trading one of his ships, a YT-2000 for Rieths YT-1210. Not knowing why Metuki was interested in this ship, Rieth hesitantly accepted the deal. Metuki was a very convincing person and offered Rieth to further support him on the condition that Rieth complete the menacing Kessel Run. Rieth accepted and traveled to the Maw with its innumerable Black holes. Navigating the Maw was a big challenge. Almost losing his life to a black hole, Rieth was able to successfully complete the Kessel Run and reach the Luxury Space Colony "Bonaventure Space Hotel" in the center of the system. Metuki, seeing his potential, offered him a position as Hopeful in the Smugglers Guild.

Life of Fortune and Fame

Shortly after joining the Smugglers Guild, Rieth was introduced to the then Second in Command Jaggo Bral and Master Smuggler "The Saltiest Corellian" Nah Olos. Rieth quickly learned that the Guild was a group of like-minded people supporting each other without forcing anything onto its members. This being a stark contrast to the strict discipline of the Empire, Rieth immediately felt welcome. Earning his stripes, Rieth dealt with the Trade Federation in Year 10 and purchased needed equipment from them. While picking up the merchandise, he found many unsecured crates holding all kinds of cargo (specifically desired weapons, armor, and electronic equipment). Rieth decided to seize the chance, smuggled the cargo on board of his ship and vanished. He was able to find a buyer who did not ask too many questions and paid a small fortune for all of the gear. The Trade Federation did not hesitate to put Rieth on their trading blacklist as well as a bounty on his head. Nonetheless, this undertaking helped him earn the title of "Smuggler" within the Guild. In the coming months Rieth kept buying and selling various kinds of equipment and ships, using the services of the Centrepoint Marketplace. All the while, doing transport jobs for the Guild and continued to help it to thrive. While getting closer to the other members of the Guild (such as Master Smuggler Sol Mazer), Rieth learned about a shipment of exclusive armors belonging to the Galactic Empire held in the Guild's vaults. In trying to further support the Guild, Rieth was able to find a suitable buyer who paid a large amount of credits to get in possession of a number of these armors. The successful closure of the deal helped Rieth to be appointed Master Smuggler, reaching the highest rank within the Guild.

Smugglers Guild ring for achieving the Master rank.

In the following years, Rieth accomplished many missions with the Guild to increase his wealth. He went back and forth prospecting planets for different organizations and kept his Guild membership a secret. While doing business with various governments and factions, Rieth maintained himself as a honest and trustworthy trader. When the Guild's Second in Command Haslon Cron went missing (Yr. 20), the current leader of the Smugglers Guild, Sol Mazer, honored Rieth by appointing him as his new 2IC.

In Year 22 Rieth met Zaff Daroona, who was a former Master Smuggler within the Guild, in a darkened booth in the Rimmer's Rest Cantina on Nar Shaddaa. After so many years, Zaff offered to mediate between Rieth and Trade Federation using his good connections to their leadership. Rieth accepted the proposal in hopes of remedying the situation and putting an end to it. After tough negotiations, Zaff was able to broker a deal between the Trade Federations leadership and Rieth. The deal included a hefty fine as well as 30 days of prison time in exchange for being taken off the Trade Federations blacklist and the withdrawal of the bounty on Rieth's head. Rieth accepted his sentence and paid the fine. Due to the goodwill of the Trade Federations leadership the prison term was deemed "time served."

Further endeavors

In the following years, Rieth yearned for more dangerous adventures, exploring hazardous planets and regions of the galaxy. He hired a squad of battle hardened soldiers who helped him push deeper into dangerous territory in search for exotic artifacts and other riches. Rieth became a hunter of Krayt dragons on Tatooine, trophy hunted Rancors on Dathomir, and successfully captured a Rathar on the swamp planet of Dagobah.

Exploring the jungles of Devaron

The Great Hunt on Nimban

In Year 20 Rieth followed the advertisement of Mando'ade and participated in their Great Hunt on the planet Nimban. This special event lasted for several days and involved hunting notorious bandits and dangerous creatures. Right at the start, Rieth was able to draw first blood, which put him in a prime position to win the contest. He drew upon his combat experience and went toe-to-toe with powerful Reeks, fast Kell Dragons and intimidating Acklays. Despite his focused efforts and fierce combat tactics, Rieth was not able to take the crown. He had to admit defeat to the winner Belloq Tull. Nonetheless Rieth achieved second place and was granted the Mandalorian twin blades Vaar'tuur Kad (transl.: Dawn) and Ge'catra Kad (transl.: Dusk). Both blades have since been honored and used as deadly weapons.

Year 20 - The Great Hunt 2nd prize - Vaar'tuur Kad & Ge'catra Kad

Discovering the Mysteries of the Force

While in The Rimmer's Rest on Nar Shaddaa, Rieth overheard a conversation between an odd-looking Nikto and his Weequay friend talking about strange artifacts made of wintrium on the planet Klatooine. Rieth was intrigued and decided to travel to Klatooine and investigate the Fountain of the Ancients. He was able to navigate to the deserts close to the Fountain and decided to explore site. Upon arrival, Rieth was greeted by the locals who had an urgent request: They were under attack by bandits and were in need of help. Without hesitation, Rieth rushed to bolster their defense against the raiders. After a number of skirmishes, the group was able to overpower and chase the raiders away. Rieth decided to stay for several days to maintain the perimeter and assist in defensive planning for the community. As a thank-you gift for his help, one of the craftsmen used his skills to craft a liquid wintrium artifact and handed it to Rieth. Intrigued by this artifact, Rieth studied more about it, learning that it is said that wintrium was able to withstand the blade of a lightsaber. This experience triggered his wish to explore the mysteries of the Force.

In the following years, Rieth traveled to numerous planets in search of a Jedi who could guide him in discovering the Force. Unsuccessful in all of his attempts, he slowly started to understand that discovering the secrets of the Force is a long journey which cannot be curtailed. It was much later, that Rieth visited Kinyen during one of his transportation missions and met the local Kel Dor Jedi Master Dol Ka by chance in the city of Hekaras. He saw Rieth's potential and offered to train him in the ways of the Force. Rieth gladly accepted Dol Ka as his master and began his training.

After a long time of training and upon learning various facets of the Force, Rieth was tasked with the construction of his very own Lightsaber. The task included the search for lightsaber components as well as visiting the Crystal Caves on Ilum to find a suitable Lightsaber crystals. It took a long time of traveling, exploring and trading to gather all of the necessary parts before Rieth set out to travel to the Caves. The entrance of the Caves are well hidden and guarded by various creatures to ensure only the ones capable of using the Force are able to enter. Gaining entrance, he quickly learned that acquiring the crystal needed proved to be a much more difficult undertaking than he anticipated. The floors of the narrow corridors were brittle and hard to navigate, always posing the risk of breaking through them and plunging to certain death. By moving carefully and using the Force, Rieth was able to find the central cavern which was filled with luminous crystals growing over its surfaces. The view was awe-inspiring. Rieth started to meditate to strengthen his connection to the crystals. He felt one in particular having a strong bond with it. Rieth extracted the radiant blue color crystal and returned to his Master on Kinyen.

Crystal Cave - Central Cavern

The process of crafting his Lightsaber proved to be a challenging task. Combining all parts and the crystal required a strong and focused mind. It was after his third attempt, that Rieth was able to align all parts and the crystal to finally finish the construction of his weapon. He named it Balance of Mrlsst as its construction occurred around the time when the Smugglers Guild and Kerdos Company discovered the the Mennaalii system where the planet Mrlsst is located.

Rieth decided to stay with his Master to get an even deeper understanding of the Force. He kept training with his Master until there was nothing more to learn from him. Dol Ka granted Rieth the title of Grand Master and bid farewell from his long time student.

Rieth Torans Lightsaber