Rivain Dumat

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Rivain Dumat
Biographical Information
Race Harch
Homeworld Unknown
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height Tall
Coloring Brown and gray
Eye Color Red
Political Information
Affiliation Antarian Rangers, Jedi Order
Prior Affiliation New Republic, Czerka Corporation, Blackscale Clan

Early Days

Much of Rivain Dumat's early life is unknown.

The Jedi Order

Sometime during his life he was informed he had the gift of being Force Sensitive. Rivain joined the Jedi Academy and became the Apprentice to Jedi Master Alven Ceres. Rivain enrolled as a member of the Exploration Corps and participated in several archaeological missions to uncover secrets of the ancient Jedi and long-lost Jedi Enclaves. Rivain was a gifted student, finding he had a natural affinity in techniques such as healing and telekinesis.

He trained as a Jedi Guardian, and at some point became a Jedi Knight by decree of Grand Master Onasha Katr.

Not long after his promotion, Master Onasha Katr disappeared into the Unknown Regions. Rivain took the loss personally and fell through the cracks so to speak. He had felt abandoned by Master Alven and Onasha, and the acting Jedi Grand Master did not assign him a new mentor. It was a confusing time for the young Jedi and he felt like he had no one to turn to. He decided to take leave of his duties as a Jedi and explore the galaxy.

He traveled the Galaxy posting as a star port soothsayer. He would use his powers of precognition to tell fortunes to paying spacers. Some fortunes were true, some not so true. Before too long Rivain was making a decent living and was able to afford a freighter to take him off-world and beyond.

A Clan, a Corporation, and a Padawan

A series of seemingly random events led Rivain to the Yushan Sector, where the Czerka Corporation ruled. There Rivain joined the Blackscale Clan which was led by famed Trandoshan warlord, Cirxis Cronossk. Blackscale was in allegiance with the Czerka Corporation and there he soon met Atan Ona-teac, a promising young Force sensitive. Rivain helped Czerka clear land and build cities, along with haul various goods across space. Focusing back on the Force, Rivain found Atan's connection to the Force to be quite strong, however he did not have a teacher to guide him. Rivain had never taken up an apprentice and felt this was the reason the Force led him to Yushan. Rivain began instruction to Atan, and both master and student learned a great deal from one another. Atan was able to reform an ancient force order known as the Grey Wardens, and Rivain would serve as a counsel to Atan.

Atan presented Rivain with two ancient, etched vibroblades, dubbed Calmness and Will. Rivain used them for many years until he crafted his lightsaber. Now, the prized Vibroblades are on display aboard his flagship.

When Kyber crystals began to appear in the Galaxy again, the Master and apprentice duo set off to Ilum to find their own crystals. They were able to find a crystal that called to them, and forge their lightsabers, furthering their Force bond.

Eventually his time with Atan grew to an end, and Rivain could teach Atan nothing more. The pair parted ways as equals, and Rivain listened to the Force for guidance.

Republic and Return to the Order

The Force called Rivain back to the galactic civil war. Arriving in Republica, Rivain enlisted in the Republic, joining the Knights of the Republic and serving as commander of an Army Company. Rivain was an able field commander, and his troops enjoyed his leadership style. Rivain was awarded the Republic Readiness Award for his commitment to the Army. His time did not last long as beutrayal hit the Republic in the form of Galen Darksol. Rivain was locked out of the controls of his command ship, stranded in deep space. Allies soon came to assist and Rivain was saved by Frednuck Rekak. Rivain was taken to a nearby Jedi base, and Rivain pledged himself once again to the Jedi Order. Serving the Jedi once more, Rivain helped with any tasks he could while continuing his Force training. During this time, he would participate in many Rebel allied operations including the Operations against the Sith Imperium, the battle of Petabys where he was executive officer of Jedi forces, and the battle for the planet Kowak.

After the victory at Petabys, Rivain was elevated to the rank of Jedi Master.

The challenge of the Darkside and The Antarian Rangers

At some point Rivain began to feel the temptation and call of the darkside of the Force. He was unsure of the source of these thoughts. They festered in Rivain's mind and he left the order abruptly, following the call of darkness. For weeks he traveled until he made contact with a Jedi known as Turben Dawk. Through an extended period Turben was able to bring Rivain back from the edge of the darkside. Rivain, reeling in guilt, approached the Jedi Council and told them of his failures. The Council decided to revoke Rivain's title of Master, and with that Rivain felt his failure was complete. He decided to go into exile. In a brash decision he resigned from the Jedi Order. Rivain traveled the Galaxy heading northward all while cutting himself off from the Force. Eventually, he found a home with the Antarian Rangers. The Rangers were understanding of recent events and allowed him to enlist in their ranks. With the Rangers, Rivain began to see the good in the Galaxy again. Although still disconnected from the Force, he was able to begin to heal.

A new Padawan, a new day

During his time with the Rangers, he met Jungle Priest named Wynk Waawat. Wynk had just discovered his connection with the Force and wanted to learn the ways of the Jedi. Reluctantly at first, Rivain agreed to train him. Rivain questioned whether he was the right instructor for Wynk. He had not reconnected with the Force, and he felt like an imposter teaching the Jedi philosophies while being outside of the Order. Months passed and Wynk was growing skilled in the Force and wanted to seek out his Kyber crystals. Rivain agreed to come along as a mentor and watched as Wynk battled the darkside beast and entered the Kyber cave. All this time, while cut off from the Force, Rivain had kept up his correspondence with Turben. Turben helped Rivain realize the error in his impulses and decided to reach back out to the Council for reinstatement. After some deliberation, it was agreed Rivain could rejoin the Jedi in the rank of Jedi Knight. Slowly Rivain began to open himself back up to the Force.

All during this time, Rivain began to find peace once again and a home in the Antarian Rangers. He was trusted with more duties and responsibilities, and he felt like he found a place where he could serve the Galaxy.

Marshals Service