Sadie Ni`kuji
Sadie Ni`kuji | |
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Biographical Information | |
Race | Human (specifically Corellian, 1/32 Twi`lek) |
Homeworld | Corellia |
Mother | Kate Ni`kuji † |
Father | Brent Ni`kuji † |
Marital Status | Single |
Siblings | Zefara "Zef" Ni`kuji |
Born | Year -2, Day 87 |
Languages | Basic High Galactic Corellian Huttese Jawa Trade Language (cannot speak) Many other Outer Rim languages |
Religion | None |
Quote | "Doko prek anuda ten?" |
Physical Description | |
Gender | Female |
Height | 5' 2" |
Weight | Unknown |
Coloring | Light |
Hair Color | Red with green streaks (usually dyed solid red) |
Eye Color | Brown |
Political Information | |
Affiliation | Raptor Cartel |
Positions | Pilot |
Prior Affiliation | Hutt Cartel (as slave) Tresario Star Kingdom (briefly) |
Sadie Ni`kuji is a female Human from Corellia. A former Imperial citizen, Sadie now a civil rights and anti-slavery activist/vigilante.
Early life
Sadie was born two years before the Galactic Empire declared war on the Rebel Alliance. She is the older of two twins, the other being Zefara (a.k.a. "Zef"). Their father, Brent Ni`kuji, was the owner of Nikuji Industries, which built hyperdrives for Corellian Engineering Corporation's YT-class Light Freighters, and one of the wealthiest beings on southern Corellia. Sadie's early life was full of luxury, with her family regularly taking trips to various Imperial planets for business and pleasure.
However, one such trip to the Ansion system in Year 5 would end all that. While returning to Corellia, the Ni`kuji family's Starwind-class Pleasure Yacht, Corellian Jewel, was ambushed by pirates. Although her mother, Kate, locked the main entrance, the pirates somehow found a way in. The ship's security droids were quickly overpowered and the four Ni`kujis were rounded up and brought on board the pirates' BFF-1 Bulk Freighter. Kate and Brent were executed in front of their children after both refused to pay a ransom for their own lives, while Sadie and Zef were thrown in a cargo container with many other captured sentients.
The Ni`kuji twins were transported to Tatooine, where the pirates sold them to a group of slavers. They were bought by Voras Desilijic Lucar, cousin of Angobba Desilijic Lucar. The two were then stripped of any valuable items the pirates overlooked and put to work as dancers in the Hutt's palace.
After seven years of what seemed like nonstop entertaining, the twins had hatched an escape plan. Sadie would draw the guards' attention with an intricate performance while Zef would turn off the lights and stab Voras in the back. The escape didn't go as planned, as the Hutt's guard droids were fitted with infra-red sensors and dismembered the lower half of Zef's right arm before she could kill her master. As punishment, the twins were tortured for several weeks and Zef's arm was not replaced.
Another six years would pass before the two attempted an escape. This time they had help from some of the other slaves. While the twins danced, a group of slaves stole some droid poppers from a bounty hunter and disabled the guard droids. Voras, caught by surprise when all his droids had fallen over, reached for his console to blow up the slave collars, but was shot in the chest by Sadie, who had stolen a blaster from one of the bounty hunters in all the confusion. Sadie then fired a fatal shot in the head of her former master before using the Hutt's console to free the slaves. Surprisingly, the bounty hunters did not revolt, likely due to the fact that the one person who would have paid them to do so was now dead.
Freedom at last
Following the successful rebellion, each of the slaves celebrated their newfound freedom. They ransacked the Hutt's palace, as there was no one to stop them. Some of the slaves became greedy, feeling entitled to the riches they worked so hard to secure for their master. They started killing fellow slaves to ensure dominance, becoming the very thing they had just rebelled against.
Sadie and Zef wanted nothing to do with these riches. The two sneaked out of the palace when the killing started. They wandered the desert at night in search of a city, but found nothing. Sadie, sick sand getting in her shoes and weighing her down, took them off and walked barefoot in the sand. Eventually, the two crossed paths with one of the bounty hunters from the Hutt's palace. The bounty hunter offered the twins a ride to Mos Eisley in her speeder. When Sadie asked how much it would cost them, the bounty hunter told requested only the blaster that Sadie had taken from her back in the escape.
The trio arrived in Mos Eisley that morning. Just as the bounty hunter was about to leave the twins, Zefara asked why she helped them. The bounty hunter took off her Mandalorian helmet and revealed to the Ni`kuji sisters that she herself was a slave in her younger years. As she mounted on her speeder, she gave them enough credits to buy a small ship, telling them to get off Tatooine and see the galaxy while they still could.
Return to Corellia
The twins immediately bought an old Einstar APOSTRO-9 and left Tatooine. They made course for Corellia, but their ship's class 2 hyperdrive kept them in their cramped cockpit for a while. They arrived in early Year 19, expecting lots of media coverage. However, they soon realized that Imperial citizens had all but forgotten the Ni`kuji family and that Nikuji Industries had been acquired by Corellian Engineering Corporation following their parents' deaths.
The Imperial Security Bureau asked the twins some questions about the pirates that killed their parents, but Sadie knew that the information she had would not be enough. After that, they were brought to a hospital and given a medical examination, with Zefara finally having her arm replaced with a cybernetic unit. Soon, CEC learned about the survival of the daughters of Brent Ni`kuji and offered both of them jobs. Zefara accepted their offer, but Sadie, remembering the what the bounty hunter had told them, decided to pass on it. She parted ways with her sister and set course for the stars in her APOSTRO-9.
Recent activities
In Year 21, Sadie briefly served Tresario Star Kingdom, but she left for unknown reasons.
A few weeks later, Sadie noticed streaks of green in her red hair. Worried that she may be infected with the Derra Virus, she consulted a doctor. Much to her relief, she was not infected with the virus, however, the doctor concluded that she was 1/32th Twi`lek, most likely from her mother's side. Although initially scared by this news, she overcame her fear of being part alien and decided not to keep it a secret.
Sometime later, Sadie joined the Raptor Cartel as a cargo pilot.
Physical appearance
Sadie is of thin build and small stature. She has a freckled face and brown, almond-shaped eyes. Her red hair is usually pulled back. In Year 21, green streaks started appearing in her hair, but she sometimes dyes them solid red.
Sadie's wardrobe varies greatly based on the climate and occasion. Unlike most humans, she prefers to walk barefoot, wearing form-fitting shoes only when the situation demands it.
Sadie has a tattoo of the number 4476 in aurebesh on the back of her right shoulder. 4476 was her slave ID number, and it was tattooed onto her shoulder shortly after she was bought my Voras. She makes no attempt to hide the tattoo, nor does she have any plans to have it removed. To Sadie, the tattoo is a symbol of the hardships she went through as a child slave.
Skills and abilities
As a Corellian, Sadie is a natural pilot. She claims that she can fly almost anything she steps into, and has been right so far.
Sadie is also skilled with a blaster. Her scoreboard at local shooting competitions confirms that she is a better shot than an Imperial stormtrooper, though she does not consider this to be a big achievement. Her weapon of choice is a DL-44.
Sadie is known to be friendly and polite towards most people. Coming from an Imperial world, Sadie will sometimes say things that are slightly racist towards non-humans without even realizing it. However, she usually gives an apology after being made aware.
Sadie is a firm believer that all sentient beings have the right to equal opportunities. She is opposed to the Empire's "unfair" treatment of non-humans. She claims that it is unnecessary and harmful to the Empire's economy. Likewise, she publicly denounces anti-human extremist organizations, claiming that "revenge does not help anyone."
Like most former slaves, Sadie has a burning hatred for slavery. She has been known to use vulgar language around slavers and doesn't think twice about knocking their lights out in a cantina. She takes pride in the fact that she is on the "do not serve" list of many slaver-catering cantinas and bars across the outer rim.
Sadie is an atheist, but does not deny the existence of the Force. She believes that there is a scientific explanation for all the seemingly supernatural powers of the Jedi and Sith. Her mother was a Forceologist and may have influenced Sadie's beliefs.
Notable assets
The Corona-class Frigate SN Freedom serves as a mobile base for Sadie's asteroid bandit-hunting operations.
Corellian Jewel II
The YT-2000 SN Corellian Jewel II serves as Sadie's personal shuttle. It was named after her family's Starwind-class Pleasure Yacht Corellian Jewel.
Kyber Fist
The VCX-100 Light Freighter SN Kyber Fist is Sadie's other personal shuttle.
Did you know...
- The Empire did not detect Sadie's Twi`lek blood in DNA tests due to the similarity of Human and Twi`lek DNA.
- Sadie and Zefara were declared legally dead by the Empire, and remained as such for over a decade until their return to Imperial space.