Scurrier Disease

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Posted by Jeric Sensar on Year 5 Day 137

Onboard the Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser Battering Ram at galactic position (-70, -150).

Tests confirmed throughout the past fortnight show that positive traces of a disease carried by wild scurriers on the planet Tatooine are present in sentient beings planet wide.

The disease, dubbed "Scurrier Disease" is highly contagious and is expected to jump from host to host and have 11% of the planets population infected by Year 5, Day 145 (estimate only.)

Symptoms on initial infection include: dizziness, cold reactions to the planets dual suns, rash, eye discolouration and nausea.

A vaccine is currently being produced to combat the outbreak of the virus, but until such time, residents of the planet are urged to take the following precautionary measures: breathing apparatus, cloak with full skin coverage, flask of bactade on person at all times.

Although the above are general precautions warnings for all virus, there is little more that can be done until the vaccine is 100% effective.

Test subjects are being called to trial the vaccine, but no responsibility is held by Biotech in the event of a reaction to the vaccine.

Further tests indicate that the virus was introduced around the same time the Galactic Empire set foot on planet in their bid for a take over concerning Black Sun, more studies are being conducted as to the nature of this coincidence and if the Imperials are at fault for the outbreak.