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Class Capital
Type Imperial Star Destroyer
Type Upgraded Hyperspeed
Upgraded Shield Rating
Date of Manufacture Unknown
Affiliation Alex Tylger (Previous Owner)
Roan Axios
Events The Shadowstone Affair

Shadowstone was an Imperial Star Destroyer commissioned into service in Year 3 as flagship of the Fakir Sector Fleet. Vice Admiral Vir Calder broke his flag on this ship during the commissioning ceremony. In late Year 3, it became the first Star Destroyer to receive a the upgraded hyperspeed developed by engineers of the Imperial Research and Development, which was a department headed by Calder.

Shadowstone was involved in the Battle of Berchest in mid-Year 4 and the Shadowstone Affair later in the same year. In the latter action, Keir Santage, Finn Setanta and Squall Chitose, working in the employment of King Eldrik Kuraine of the Falleen Federation, wrested control of the ship from the Empire. Santage presented the ship to King Kuraine, who then turned and gifted the vessel to Hapan officer Alex Tylger. Subsequent history of the ship became unclear. It was rumored that Shadowstone was later given by King Alex to Roan Axios.

The lost of Shadowstone by the Empire directly led to the punitive expedition to the Beta System.