Sienar Technologies anounces a 300% profit margin for this year.

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Posted by Chiss Veers on Year 5 Day 271

Onboard the Delta-Class JV-7 Escort Shuttle [ST] Piet Hein in system Saari Ha.

We now go to a live feed from the Sienar Technologies Corporate Headquarters on Bimmsarri where the CEO of Sienar Technologies, Chiss Veers will anounce the future plans of Sienar technologies

Greetings stock holders and members of the press... Im happy to anounce that the first year of my reign over Sienar Technologies has brought wealth to the company and its stock members.

In the last year the company has gained a estimate net falue of 300.000.000,- million, making the net falue of Sienar 430 million. And we at Sienar are confident that the falue of the company will only rise more with the plans and contracts for the future.

As for our plans... We are going to expand into other fields of the industrial market. We have not decided yet into what fields thus far as we are researching what would be the best erea to make our presence in. We will keep the galaxy upto date on our future plans.

That was all the news for now. All the members of the press and the stock holders are invited to the reception.