Stensen (Sector)

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General information
RegionOuter Rim
Controlled ByAlpha Medical Corps
Astrographic EntryStensen

The Stensen sector is in the Outer Rim region of the galaxy. The Sector is under the protection of the Trade Federation.


System Position Planets Population Controller
Ghothia (-160, -270) 7 1,939,648,570 Alpha Medical Corps
Caaraz (-168, -255) 7 32,170,228 Alpha Medical Corps
Verkuyl (-180, -270) 5 5,021,217 Alpha Medical Corps
Stensen`s Colony ((-170, -260) 7 7,123,746,890 Alpha Medical Corps
Magar`s World (-165, -280) 6 28,491,014 Alpha Medical Corps
Elatha (-170, -270) 5 5,786,562 Alpha Medical Corps
Sareet (-175, -275) 10 1,797,210,756 Alpha Medical Corps
Trenwyth (-160, -260) 2 2,239,150,599 Alpha Medical Corps
  • population accurate as of Year 15 Day 253

Notable Planets

Ghothia III, homebase of the Canaries, the security arm of the JMC, governing body of Caduceus Province.