Talk:Cron Conflict

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This article has been a Featured Article of the Holocron. It is an excellent example for other articles to follow.

Note on Galaxy 2.0 Changes for Future Edits

The original planets affected during the Cron Conflict were Irazu (of the Tobali System in the Tion Cluster) and Ugog, Belebrant, Jaminere and Angalegost (all apparently of the Uogo’cor System in the Trax Sector). With Galaxy 2.0, the planets appears to be moved to the following locations along with their respective fates:

  • Irazu -> Corlax III, slabs returned to Tion Hegemony in peace deal
  • Ugog -> Cadinth, slabs returned to Tion Hegemony in peace deal
  • Belebrant -> Voss II, slabs returned to Tion Hegemony in peace deal
  • Jaminere -> Embaril III, slabs returned to Tion Hegemony in peace deal
  • Angalegost -> Piluvia II, slabs kept by KGI and its successor Arakyd Industries and planet moved to Outer Rim Territories in peace deal