Talk:Wild Space

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So should Wild Space refer to any Sector with unexplored systems or should it be an area where there are many such sectors? -- Prard`aga Rono 00:16, 21 April 2014 (GMT)

There's a map with a few locations of what Wild Space should be: File:Map-RegionalTerritories.jpg but aside from that it's not really defined officially in canon. Defining it as the frontier (where unexplored systems are located) seems to be a more reliable use of the term --Raith Starlight 00:32, 21 April 2014 (GMT)
After some discussion on the forums with the playerbase, a Sector should be considered Wild Space if: a)It has a total population of less than 100 million AND b) Is not controlled by a Gov or Gov affiliate

This would immediately make any sector without known systems "Wild Space"(in addition to a static Regional assignment like "Outer Rim") and also create a "frontier flavor" to those sectors under this definition. Accepting this definition requires a rewrite of the "Wild Space" page.

Is this proposed definition acceptable? -- Prard`aga Rono 11:08, 19 August 2014 (GMT)

Good with the proposed definition here. How are we going to vote to confirm that this definition is acceptable? Use the forum or the do it the same way as the featured article voting system? --Raith Starlight 00:39, 20 August 2014 (GMT)
I think the fairest way is the same way we do featured articles, and take about a month to collect votes and alternate proposals. proposal with the most votes is the one we use. -- Prard`aga Rono 07:04, 20 August 2014 (GMT)
I agree with the approach. Created Suggestions section to hold definitions. If you got a timeframe in mind to collect votes and alternate proposals, add the Vote section. --Raith Starlight 01:22, 21 August 2014 (GMT)

This has been rendered null and void by changes in Darkness, which has reduced Wild Space to a sector including Huk and Zenoma Sekot. The page should be updated accordingly. See here:


Two weeks will be granted for proposal nominations and to vote on a favored proposal. The proposal with the most votes is the one that we use. -- Prard`aga Rono 04:23, 21 August 2014 (GMT)

  • DEF_A - A Sector should be considered Wild Space if: a)It has a total population of less than 100 million AND b) Is not controlled by a Gov or Gov affiliate
  • DEF_B - B Wild Space is the area to the stellar "North","South" and "East" of the Galactic Map.


  • DEF_A - A
Supporter: Prard`aga Rono 23:41, 21 August 2014 (GMT)
Supporter: Raith Starlight 00:22, 22 August 2014 (GMT)
Supporter: Ruben Wan 15:33, 3 September 2014 (GMT)
Supporter: User:Paul Luz 09:43, 26 September 2014 (EST)
  • DEF_B - B
Supporter: Fures Nocti 05:11, 21 August 2014 (GMT)