Tenloss Syndicate equals Brainloss Syndicate

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Posted by Choibacco Antaria on Year 0 Day 0

Onboard the Acclamator Assault Ship AR White Star in system Lorell.

After several perplexing public messages from this 'tenloss syndicate' group run by some inept dis-organizer calling itself Tycho Celchu, it has become apparent that their total lack of intelligence in the field and in their diminutive minds that have laid claim to kidnapping an Antarian Ranger.

We can confirm no Female Twilek is or has been a member of TAR - therefore using our skilled investigative team, we have uncovered a rather embarrasing point of fact.

This Tenloss tosspot syndicate seems to have kidnapped the spouse of another security organizations Leader!

Oh for shame Mr Celchu, is this how you 'run' your business? We find it amazing you can even figure out how to interface with the GNS let alone dress yourself in the morning.

Our medical staff has looked over psycological profiles of this creature and believe they cannot differentiate the difference between security identification badges due to extreme myopia due to frequent visits to the Fresher units.

The Antarian Rangers though will enjoy the hunt along with your new enemies you have so foolishly made publically and justice to be served through superior firepower and extreme prejudice.