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General information
RegionMid Rim
Controlled ByTriumvirate Coalition
Astrographic Entry{{{entry}}}

The Teraab Sector was a sector located in the Mid Rim.


The Teraab sector was home to the Hoth's Brand system, site of the Ruusan campaign and the planet of Ruusan, site of the last battles of the New Sith Wars, around a millennium prior to the fall of the Republic.[1]


System Position Planets Population Controller
Hoth`s Brand (223, 32) 25 192,457,362,451 Triumvirate Coalition
Istic (253, 4) 5 109,436,379,511 Triumvirate Coalition
Pesmenben (230, 25) 7 12,199,290,939 Triumvirate Coalition
Drogheda (236, 23) 4 9,202,613 Triumvirate Coalition
Nanth`ri (245, -24) 5 907,641,440 Triumvirate Coalition
Nixor (241, -40) 6 116,616,861 Triumvirate Coalition
Tyne`s Horky (232, 12) 4 10,165,191 Triumvirate Coalition

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