The Drunken Vrelt Booms

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Posted by Corran Terrik on Year 0 Day 0

Onboard the YT-1300 The Crimson Rose in system

The face of an attractive middle aged man fades onto your screen and he smiles; you only see from his shoulders upward. It looks like he is wearing a white shirt with a brown sleeveless jacket

Good day, sentients of the galaxy. I am Corran Terrik, owner of The Drunken Vrelt. Some of you may know me, some of you may hate me, some just not care. Rest assured i am not here to make new enemies nor tie ends with old enemies. I am only here to point out the the Drunken Vrelt is now located in the Corellian System, in the city of Coronet.

With the sudden deflation of the Scorpio Bar, and the ever downward spiral buisness known to many as The Underground, The Vrelt is there for those who are just looking for a good time. And who better to have a good time with than a jolly bunch of Corellians, eh?

Corran grins, showing his teeth. His face is that of a model, with long blonde hair. A very attarctive man, but his face is worn with age. You can tell he has been through much.

So eat you hearts out Scorpio and Underground.

Corran winks and the picture fades out, for some his face leaves an imprint in their minds.