The Return of the Tauntaun Races

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Posted by Larbac DarkClaw on Year 0 Day 0

Onboard the YV-666 TFN Mover One at galactic position (227, -249).

Holovids all across the galaxy flickered form their normal programming to a black screen with an odd logo on it.

For a moment that was all that was there but then the words "Shadow Enterprises" appeared and then this was replaced by the form of a person whose features were hidden by a black hooded cloak. Some people may have recognized him as a man named Shadow Runner who used to rent out some ships and who used to sell his services creating artwork for other people in the galaxy. Two clawed hands reached up and pushed back the hood revealing it to be none other than the Arcona Larbac DarkClaw of the Trade Federation.

"People of the Galaxy it is our pleasure to report the reopening of Shadow Enterprises with our latest endeavor the new Tauntaun races. The tauntaun races were created by us and then we allowed the HS to use them, afterwards we were going to allow the IREC to use them but now we are opening them under our own non-CMG banner of Shadow Enterprises. We have run several races with the Trade Federation and they have all gone very well. We did have one injury of both Tauntaun and rider but both are healing well and will be back in the races by the end of this month. On a happier note several new Tauntauns are coming out of our training facility today and will be added to the race dockets in the morning and next weeks races will be a mixture of old and new Tauntauns. All portions of the Tauntaun races will be opened tomorrow, this means that anyone wishing to purchase their own Tauntaun for the races may, anyone wishing to bet on next weeks races may do so as well and for all of you CMG's out there you may all start advertising with us as well. Our first sponsor for next week is the Trade federation, this means that the second race of the night still need a sponsor as well."

Larbac smiled happily, "Please visit our holosite and message boards for more information about the Tauntaun races. As a special start for the first galaxy wide Tauntaun races we are putting up a total of 100k on the races. 50k per race is already in the pot for some lucky person to win. Now some exerpts form previous races for your enjoyment."

For a moment the screen shifts to black once more before the tapes of previous race highlights begin to play.

Race 1 Tel'nisil: In a shocking occurrence though Celchu Stinker who was in a close second decided that it would leap over a small ice chunk but at the last moment his speed seemed to decrease and his right hoof seemed to catch the top of the ice chunk sending both Tauntaun and rider sliding across the track, this has allowed Runes Runner and Super Scrocher to close the distance.

Shelrus: At the moment the real losers seem to be the team of Han Hustle, the Tauntaun seems oblivious to it's surroundings and is just kind of quietly strolling along the track at a nice leisurely pace and staring into the stands of shivering people who were brave enough to attend this race personally

Tel'nisil: Celchu Stinker while seemingly a strong Tauntaun has unfortunately taken it's eyes off of the track which has caused it to stumble and fall, placing Celchu in 4th place, the real surprise though is Runes Runner, while it has not fared the best today so far it was at least keeping pace with the others until now, a noise off to the side of the track attracted Runes attention and while it was looking to the side it slowed down some, it's handler gave it a sharp jab n the side with the back of his boot seemingly scaring the Tauntaun who promptly jumped straight up and landed skidding to a halt at the side of the track where it laid down and started to shiver, the handler is now trying to get the beast back on it's feet but with little luck.

Race 2 Tel'nisil: Oh my did you see that!!! ChissChariot in the lead in the start of the second lap was set to leap over a patch of thinner ice but misjudged the jump. One hoof went through the ice pitching both rider and Tauntaun down to the ground! Larbac was not affected and moved straight ahead into first for a moment but Alderapid leaped over the fallen Chiss to keep right up with Larbac!

Shelrus: This is an exciting race folks however we do still have to check out how the other racers are doing. Kyel is making some steady if slow progress, the beast has some grace I will give it that but grace does not make up for intelligence or speed in this kind of race.

Race 3 The Hammers Slammers logo appears on Holo-screens all around the galaxy as the second round of Tauntaun races are about to begin, the announcers Shelrus(a quarren) and Tel'nisil (a Twi'lek) are seen in the announcing booth. Just as they are about to begin the Races a pounding starts at the door and several Wampas pound their way inside and proceed to eat the camera men as Shelrus and Tel'nisil hide under the anouncers desk. Eventually the shaggy Wampas leave and Shelrus peeks over the desk at the one camera that is still functioning and in a shaking voice he says softly.

"Please stand by while our technical difficulties are being fixed...sorry for any delay"

And once that was said Shelrus passed out. Two days later they started the show again with new cameras and new camera men.

Race 4 The buzzer sounds for the race to begin and the doors to the stating gates begin to open. Albino Giraffe hearing the buzzer promptly jumped straight up slamming the riders head into the roof of the starting area while The Phenom, gives a bit of a false start and slams his head right into the starting gate before it has had the chance to open all the way. Phenom slid to the ice his eyes looking glazed.

Shelrus: OUCH! That had to have hurt. I am thinking this may be an interesting race already. Only a second into the race and we have a rider and a Tauntaun down! The Medical Teams have rushed out to check on both.

Tel'nisil: At least we can say our races are never boring.

Race 5 Tel'nisil: Hutt's Pleasure and Hapan Pride are neck and neck and right on the tail of Dreamweaver and right behind them is DarkClaws Dragon who seems to be slipping a bit on the icy track. Gensalith we seem to be missing a Tauntaun where is The Smuggler

Gensalith: Tel'nisil it seems that Smuggler may not have gotten enough sleep last night as it fell asleep waiting for the race to start. The rider has woken it up though and it is now moving.

Race 6 Gensalith: Dr. Polgara can you tell us what happened out there on the track today.

Nisley Polgara: Certainly. Upon close inspection of the track it seems that a bit of it became pitted during one of the first two laps, Mal'sheol then stepped in this pit only partially and twisted it's ankle breaking it cleanly, as it fell it landed on that same leg quite badly putting all of it's considerable weight down on it and snapping the bone in a second place beneath the knee. Both breaks were quite clean and with generous applications of Bacta Mal'sheol is expected to make a complete recovery in about a months time. His rider was a lot luckier having only sustained a few bruised ribs from his Tauntaun landing on him and then thrashing around as it did, the injuries could have been a lot worse for him had our teams not moved as fast as they did to sedate Mal'sheol.

Race 7 Shelrus: Mergal'inlith has slowed down some so he is still in second place and...What's this!!!! Hutt's Pleasure seems to have been playing possum this whole time, with a burst of sudden speed Hutt's Pleasure has passed right by Mergal'sans and has caught up to Mergal'inlith. Now trailing in the back is Mergal'sans.

Gensalith: Medics have started out to the field to get Requiems Decay off of the ice. It seems that when she tripped she has knocked herself cold, we will talk to Nisley Polgara as soon as the rest of the race has ended.

Race 8 Gensalith: Thank you Tel'nisil I am here with Kalas Telkern the rider of Hapan pride. Kalas what do you attribute your win tonight to.

Kalas: Weeell Gensalith, last week we did not do that good. No sir, we didn't. Anyway we been making sure to feed this one better and take him out on the ice every day.

Gensalith: Ooook Thank you Kalas, and that is all for this installment of the Tauntaun Races. Join us again next week for two brand new races brought to you by Shadow Enterprises.

The screen once again shifts to black and the words "What will the next races bring?" appears in large white letters and then the holosite address for Shadow Enterprises appears before the screen goes blank once more.

Shadow Enterprises Tauntaun races