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Cardinal Sword of Tau.png

Ukukhanya is one of The Cardinal Swords of Tau. The sword was forged by the Noghri Bladesmith Sekou Tau himself and embodies the essence of wind rose.


Ukukhanya was forged ninth and last among the Cardinal Swords. As the final sword in the group, it is the master sword of the batch. Master Bladesmith Tau embodied Ukukhanya with the essence of wind rose. This essence is the most involved and complicated. It grants the wielder the powers of several of the Cardinal Swords. This essence of the west gives the blade an added combat advantage. When Ukukhanya is swung through the air, it generates a sand cloud, blinding opponents in a nearby radius. Using it grants the wielder the ability breathe under water and enables the user to withstand the pressure of the ocean depths. The clash of the blade against an object can also generate a force push against an opponent. It also gives off the thick odor of metal burning when it clashes with metal, helping to disorient an opponent. It also contains the windrose of the compass from which the Cardinal Swords are derived. Being the master sword, Ukukhanya also can reflect energy from attacks by the other Cardinal Swords back onto their users. Due to the special nature of this blade the forging process for this blade was nearly three months in length.

Battle-testing and Ownership

Upon the completion of the forging process, the sword is turned over to a Var Kelen high priest. This priest endows it with special Force powers, unique to the Cardinal Swords. Once this was done, an acolyte field tests the weapon, ensuring that it was of sufficient caliber to be sold. Ukukhanya underwent trying field testing. The acolyte charged with testing dove to great depths to challenge a Dianoga. The creature was slippery, but proved no match for the searing power of the blade. However, the acolyte was far from done. She challenged a nesting pair of kell dragons and easily defeated them as well. The Blademaster himself retained possession of this weapon.