User:Iviin Debrek

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Iviin Debrek
Biographical Information
Race Duros
Clan Aliit Debrek
Mother Juuna Ukoro
Father Kad’ika Debrek
Marital Status Single
Age 29 Galactic Standard Years
Languages Galactic Basic, Mando'a, Durese
Religion Sh'ehn Haat
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 172cm / 5'8"
Weight 86kg / 190lb
Coloring Blue
Eye Color Red
Political Information
Title Aliit’alor
Affiliation Aliit Debrek






  • Kad’ika Debrek - Male Duros - Father
  • Juuna Ukoro - Female Kaleesh - Mother


From Embers

It was on Y-8 D167 that the Emberhawk, a S40K Phoenix Hawk-class Light Pinnace crashed on the far-side of Dxun. Three individuals survived the crash, which were Orsa Debrek, Toba Debrek, and Kad’ika Debrek, all three Duros. They attempted to make it to friendly territory, and got less than half the way. They were discovered by a hunting party led by Juuna Ukoro, an aggressive and surly Kaleesh woman. She took them in and guided them. The new group was attacked relentlessly until only Juuna Ukoro and Kad’ika Debrek survived. It took them three months to make it back to Clan Ukoro territory.

Without a ship, a crew, and wounded, Kad’ika Debrek rested in the Clan Debrek encampment for nearly a year, falling in love with Juuna Ukoro. During that time he labored to repair an ancient Ministry-class Orbital Shuttle. Once he finished, he and Juuna Ukoro departed Dxun and headed to the Caloma Freeport.

They arrived with some fanfare, as Clan Debrek had written off the Emberhawk, only to be overjoyed and surprised when discovering Kad’ika survived. It is said amongst the Allied Fleet, “If you want to build, you choose a Saar. If you want to remember, you choose an Ukoro. If you want to forget, you choose a Debrek.” On that day, the truly showed the origin of that phrase

A tal’waada or Blood-Price was paid for Kad’ika’s rescue and an offer of marriage was put forth to the Ukoro Chieftain, so that Juuna could be with Kad’ika. The Ukoro Chieftain, overjoyed that his rather aggressive and forceful daughter found a match, agreed on the condition that any child they had would journey back to Dxun during their childhood to take the Ukoro rites of passage. It was agreed and thus they were wed.

Early Life

Iviin Debrek was born Y -6 D 134 aboard the Caloma Freeport, located within the gas giant Caloma in the Japrael System. He spent his early days in the clan crèche, along with his myriad of siblings, countless cousins, and assorted relatives.

At the age of five, he undertook his Sol’kem (“First Walk”) along the hull of the Drunken Selkath, the flagship of his uncle, Soma Debrek, a Selkath brewer extraordinaire. While on the Sol’kem, he found a non-functional D3 astromech droid with the designation of D3-S5 S4M (Sam). This D3 (Sam) would become the dearest friend to Iviin and his constant companion.

By the age of six, he had become an accomplished pilot within the Debrek, participating in the Caloma Cup, a tournament of simulated combat exercises. He and his group would lose, but it only instilled a drive in him. He grouped with nearly thirty kin in the crèche. Together, as pilots, mechanics, sensor operators, and navigators, they determined that they would win the Caloma Cup.

Young Adulthood

It would be just after his 11th birthday that his dream would come true. The Firehawk Squadron, as they had come to be known, won the Caloma Cup. As a reward for their victory, this Firehawk Squadron was given a YV-666, which would be known as “The Hawk’s Nest”. These twenty-nine individuals of Firehawk Squadron showed just truly what they could do.

The Hawk’s Nest sat attached to the Caloma Freeport, become a sort of barracks and hide-away for the Debrek young of that generation. All manner of trouble became commonplace, with the Hawk’s Nest being right at the center of it. The Freeport authorities began referring to it as “The Hive”, due to the constant comings and goings, as well as the sheer numbers of youth.

The Firehawks would begin working on their next project, an ugly of their own to add to the Japrael Classic. They were determined to compete in this sector-wide race and excited for the possibilities.

It took them over a year, but now, just shy of their 13th birthday, the Firehawks had completed “The Talon”, an ugly comprised of a TIE Fighter cockpit mounted on a B-Wing gyroscopic stabilizer and set into a damaged X-Wing, also known as a “Chir’daki Death Seed”, by the Twi’leks who first invented them.

The Talon would go on to participate in the Japrael Classic, with Da’ruus Debrek, Iviin’s brother, being the pilot. The first half of the race went fine, with Da’ruus solidly in the middle of the pack. Unfortunately during the second half, he took damage in the Spires of Joraal, an asteroid field. The Talon was left drifting and without life support for 22 hours. Da’ruus thankfully had an emergency O2 supply, but that was only worth 24 hours. Iviin was the one who begged, bartered, or stole whatever he could to get a functional ship to reach his brother. He saved him with only two hours to spare.

The ship he had used was a YT-510, owned by his uncle Haarat Debrek, a Givin Hyperspace explorer. In exchange for letting him use the ship, Iviin would have to serve as his uncle’s co-pilot until he hit sixteen, when he would depart on his Pilgrimage.

Wonder of Discovery

This section covers Iviin Debrek working as co-pilot for his uncle, as they chart new hyperlanes. WIP


This section covers Iviin journeying to Roon, Basilisk, and Mandalore proper. WIP

On Fiery Wings

This section covers the Firehawks operating as a mercenary band providing security services to merchant houses and trading companies. WIP

Fire and Brimstone

This section covers the Firehawks coming to the aid of Burun Ukoro and attacking the pirate’s nest. WIP

Senseless Loss

This section covers the destruction of the freeports and the loss of clan debrek by the Heretics. WIP

On The Drift

This section covers the exodus of Clan Debrek survivors and how they drifted from region to region. WIP