Valakivir Aqua Nursery

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A joint experiment between the Ithorian Institute for Botanical Studies and the Nautolan Society, the Valakivir Aqua Nursery is a unique project in the Galaxy.

Following the massive exodus of Nautolans from their occupied planet, and the continuous efforts of the Nautolan Society to establish a peaceful colony in Valakivir, the project seeks to recreate the marine ecosystem of Glee Anselm with the upmost fidelity. The area has been encircled with a porous membrane to prevent predators from entering. Local algae and fish have been smuggled from the oceans of Glee Anselm and they have been released in their new home, where they are showing signs to be flourishing.

It is not, however, a project fueled by arrogance over nature, as it has a profound meaning for the local Nautolan immigrants. The Ocean Preserve, a piece of their homeworld in Valakivir, is the perfect spot for growing Euglen algae, from which young Nauto tadpoles are dependent. The refugee mothers use the lagoon as the ideal nursery for their offspring.