Veltraa-Class Cruiser

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Veltraa-Class Cruiser
Navigational Stats
Hyperspeed 2.0
Sublight Speed 40 MGLT
Max Speed 400 km/h
Maneuverability 2.00
Sensors 6
Escape Pods n/a
Docking Bay Yes
Hangar Bay Yes
Landing Capacity Yes
Flight Grade Repulsorlifts Yes
Graviton Generators n/a
Docking Port 1
Medical Room 1
Storage Room {{{storageroom}}}
Recycling n/a
Weapons/Utilities Turbolasers: 20
Heavy Laser: 6
Tractor Beams: 3
Cargo Stats
Weight 900,000 T
Volume 7,500,000 m3
Weight Capacity 2,100 T
Volume Capacity 13,000 m3
Max Passengers 800
Party Slot Size 12.0
Hull Statistics
Length 600m
Hull 4,000
Shield 3,000
Ionic Capacity 2,500
Raw Materials
Raw Material Price CP Price: 300,000 CPs
Quantum 1,143
Meleenium 11,985
Ardanium 1,594
Rudic 765
Rockivory n/a
Tibannagas 273
Varmigio 4,850
Lommite 580
Durelium 1,617
Bacta n/a
Hibridium n/a
Varium n/a
Affiliation n/a

The Veltraa-Class Cruiser is modelled after an ancient capital ship from the Jedi Civil War era, the legendary Interdictor-Class Cruiser. The original cruiser was manufactured by Republic Sienar Systems and then reproduced on the StarForge in large numbers by the Sith. The remodelled version is named after a notable admiral, who first proposed the name 'Interdictor' during the Mandalorian conflict prior to the civil war.

Operating anonymously and with dubious patent rights, a shady manufacturer launched the Veltraa in limited numbers. Though many had a legitimate interest in the vessel, a growing class of mercenaries, smugglers, and other hustlers also observed it with growing interest.

Engineers replicated most of the Interdictor's formidable hull and shields, stronger than those of many other contemporary capital ships. They even added a hangar bay and tractor beams to widen the Veltraa's appeal. Initial cost projections suggested almost no one would be able to afford the ship, so the shipwright insisted on slashing costs to make the Veltraa more marketable. To achieve this, the gravity well projectors were removed, along with adding weaker sensors and a less efficient hyper drive. While these lower costs made the ship more affordable, it was still only affluent sentients who had the financial means to buy one.

The most noteworthy innovation of the Veltraa are the repulsorlifts, which give the vessel the advantage of atmospheric capabilities, a rarity for a ship of its size. The combination of being able to land and vigorous firepower make it a powerful capital ship. These various adaptations makes the Vetraa popular as a defensive warship for entrepreneurs and even small governments and organizations.

Known Veltraa-class cruisers

This is a listing of the known operational Veltraa-class cruisers, and their current owners. Where possible, they are organized by their production date, via the ship registry identification number.

  • Naglfar:
Ship Registry ID #: 334218, Current Owner: Syn, Previous Owner: Helen Hawk, Modifications: None
  • Skíðblaðnir:
Ship Registry ID #: 335869, Current Owner: Unknown, Previous Owner: Unknown, Modifications: None
  • LDS Moonlight Gothic:
Ship Registry ID #: 341814, Current Owner: Lilith Delcroix, Previous Owner: Tex Navos, Modifications: None
  • LDS Before the Dawn:
Ship Registry ID #: 348013, Current Owner: Lilith Delcroix, Previous Owner: Unknown, Modifications: None
  • Unknown:
Ship Registry ID #: 365036, Current Owner: Marco Salo, Previous Owner: Tomas o`Cuinn, Modifications: None
  • LDS Darkest Hour:
Ship Registry ID #: 376238, Current Owner: Lilith Delcroix, Previous Owner: Falleen Federation, Modifications: None
  • Billie Jean:
Ship Registry ID #: 383920, Current Owner: Yukimura Sentoki, Previous Owner: Unknown, Modifications: None
Ship Registry ID #: 396233, Current Owner: Zoe di Vigne, Previous Owner: Mercedes Morgan, Modifications: None
  • [HKA] Stabile Iudicium:
Ship Registry ID #: 404567, Current Owner: Kyran Caelius, Previous Owner: Jimmy Roggeman, Modifications: None
  • Unknown:
Ship Registry ID #: 424078, Current Owner: Aqua de` Savona, Previous Owner: Syn, Modifications: None

Holonet links