
From Holocron - Star Wars Combine
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HomeworldNickel One
Average Height1.9 meters[1]
Skin colorGreen[1]
Hair colorNone[1]
DistinctionsRadio wave senses, technological aptitude, hardened carapace, short snouts, and small, toothless mouths[1]
Average lifespanChild: 1-4[2]
Young Adult: 5-9[2]
Adult: 10-40[2]
Middle Age: 41-60[2]
Old: 61-80[2]
Venerable: 81+[2]
Known MembersList of known Verpine

Biology and appearance

An insectile/reptilian race known for their ability to fix high-tech devices, they were the original settlers of the Roche asteroid system. Their exact homeworld remains a mystery even to the Verpine. The Verpine have developed a high level of technology, but retain a child-like sense of wonder at the galaxy around them. The Verpine body is thin and ungainly, and has only four limbs - two long arms and two thin legs. Their large, black eyes have evolved beyond the normal ability of the multifaceted eyes of most insects, allowing the Verpine to see incredible levels of detail. They live in hives of about 100 Verpine, and reproduction is only required when the population of the hive drops below a certain level. Despite their hive mentality, each Verpine is allowed individual thoughts. Their communal consciousness precludes the need for formal government. They have a body organ in their chest that allows them to emit radio waves and thus communicate with each other across distances. There is some discussion on the necessity of the Verpine's antenna, and the fact that the most criminal Verpine have always had damaged antennae.

Their hardened carapace, composed of a green chitinous substance called carahide, was as flexible as the skin of other creatures, yet tough enough to deflect a blade or even absorb a glancing blaster bolt. The Verpine circulatory system did not contain a heart — at least, not an organ which Human physiologists would identify as a heart[1].

Society and culture

Verpine had variable naming customs. Some had single names such as Fxz'et, Zix, Ss's, or Moegid. Others had first and last names such as Kuli Ned'lx, Kyli Ned'Ix, or Osos Niskooen. Many, though not all, Verpine names contained sibilant consonants and glottal stops[1].


The Verpine people did not evolve in the asteroids of the Roche system. Each inhabited asteroid was only made livable through the creation of artificial, self-sustaining environments in the interior. Some observers thought that the Roche asteroids were the remains of a Verpine homeworld which had broken up either slowly through natural forces, or suddenly as a result of a catastrophic civil war. Others theorized that the Verpine were descended from extra-galactic nomads who settled in the Roche asteroid field. The Verpine simply told outsiders that they were unaware of the location of their original homeworld[1].

Whether it was due to the after-effects of this ancient civil war, or because of the political uniformity and egalitarianism of their civilization, the Verpine were a peaceful people, expert arbitrators who preferred compromise to conflict. The large insects had long been a spacefaring race and had colonized the Roche asteroid belts before the Galactic Republic was born[1].

By the time of the Jedi Civil War, the Verpine were part of the Galactic community. High-quality Verpine-manufactured items ranging from ion blasters to cardio-regulators were widely used. Some of these designs were adapted and improved from other species, such as the Bothans or the Arkanians. Contemporary rumors were suspicious of the Verpine, however. Extrapolating from the Verpine practice of testing ion blasters on active droids, some Verpine weapons and medical technology were thought to have been tested on live sentients[1].

Many of the Verpine who left their home system found work as starship technicians. Most of them met with success, though some of them would get in trouble for continually making unauthorized, sometimes dangerous, "improvements" to the equipment they maintained. Others used their experience with Verpine communal decision making to act as professional arbitrators and negotiators[1].
